18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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*** NASDAQ FUTS +40 ***

Journalism 101, never place a headline on a story that changes by the second. My “NASDAQ FUTS +40″headline is another way of me saying “Fuck Yourself” and I don’t really care all that much about journalism. If I was trying, I’d write something like “Nasdaq futures soar on XXXXXX-XXX” or whatever the fuck is going on tonight.

But you’re not here for that — are you? You want the fast speeding punch to the face — broken nose, blood flowing like a river of faggots upon a cold winter’s porch. Whilst I readily admit to never having my nose broken, I have engaged in about a dozen or so fist fights in my youth — only losing 1 — which was an awful exchange between me and my best friend. I thought I could kick his ass and the next thing I knew — he was punching my face loose amidst the branches and the twigs, the dirt and the concrete.

I never knew fear until that day. During my childhood I went about bullying others with stiff fists to the fucking face — Michael Jackson styled moonwalks amidst the violence and the comical remedy of my dominance casting a red venom over whoever vexed me on a given day. After I got my ass kicked, however, I began to view the world differently and felt vulnerable to destruction. I became, in a sense, a gigantic pussy and definitely avoided conflict for a period of time, up until the time came again for me to bash someone in the face with a shovel.

The way that I’ve found life is to be a series of contests. Either you rise to the occasion or shrink. During numerous contests, I vividly recall cowering from making the hard choice — opting for status quo — because change is difficult and almost not worth my own happiness. Those decisions have almost always led to regret, failing to act during a time and place in the history of my small life that is, more or less, meaningless in the scales of time. I try to live a brave life, one that can be reflected upon proudly, every single day. A stark reminder of how I’m doing is almost always best communicated through the people close to me.

Whether or not those opinions are jaded and biased are not for me to judge. I can say, however, that I do try to live as selflessly as I can — which is awfully hard to do when trying to placate a sundry of people who are absorbed with themselves in real time, dialing away on their phones — drolling on into the ether.

By the way, Nasdaq futures are +40.

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  1. it is showtime

    4-6 months and exports will still be down – Across The Board
    Fuck that, pal
    apple is still fffffffffffffffff-Fucked!
    it’s a piggyback headline, as I coined around the time that it became more than conjecture, Sept. 2017, piggyback headline futures, piggyback headline pump
    Snort that, Fuck
    And if, If!, If there’s even a legitimacy to a bountiful trade agreement, after the dozen recent equity-index pumps claiming so, it probably doesn’t nearly match in outcome
    Ready for more?
    Def-con 4. That’s right. Def-con at 4 fucko. And everyone saying civil war in us this year. think a fuckin’ cheapass China trade agreement is gonna appreciate the over over overinflated overbloated glaringly asinine elevations you continue YOLOing?
    standby blowup
    standby FUCKED. 101.

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    • edge

      Buckle up. That view will cost you money for two more years.
      Take what the market gives you.

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  2. juice

    “You want the fast speeding punch to the face — broken nose, blood flowing like a river of faggots upon a cold winter’s porch. ”

    here ya go … enjoy!


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  3. acehood

    Great prose there pal.

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