18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
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Exodus Quant Crushed $SPY In February — Full Steam Ahead For March

In spite of being cautious about the market here, my Quant portfolio is 100% long growth stocks for the month of March. This is the road I’ve chosen to travel with my longer term investments and I could not be happier.

During January, the Quant was all sourced from a value pool, returning just 6.6% for the month. In February, the portfolio was 50/50 sourced from value and growth. It ended up 7.2% for February. Now for March, the portfolio is 100% long growth — because the rules that I set forth demand the investments source from the best performing assets classes, in this case growth vs value.

All in all, gains edge towards +14% for the year and I have no complaints.

I have mechanized hedges in place that get triggered, should markets tumble — such as allocations into value, bonds, and gold. This fund does not short sell stocks — mainly because the re-assessment period is once per month.

The stated goal?

Created a mechanized approach to asset management that is repeatable, can be passed down to future generations, using AI and big ass data, for the expressed purpose of crushing the SPY — all from the comforts of my beach house.

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One comment

  1. JakeGint

    Cool. Then sell to the Likefolio guys?


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