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Martha Stewart Gets into Pot; Trump Walks Away From N. Korea — VERY FRIENDLY Edition

Futures are soft because markets are uncertain as we step into March. Momentum is slowing and price action is being directed into the smallest cap stocks — leaving the majority of investors in a hold pattern.

Meanwhile, Trump’s little meeting with N. Korea ended with Trump walking away, very friendly however, believe me.

“Basically, they wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety and we couldn’t do that,” Trump said. “They were willing to denuke a large portion of the areas that we wanted, but we couldn’t give up all of the sanctions for that. So we continue to work and we’ll see, but we had to walk away from that particular suggestion. We had to walk away from that.”

“(Kim) wants to denuke, but he wants to just do areas that are less important than the areas that we want. We know the country very well, believe it or not, we know every inch of that country,” Trump said, adding that he thought the gap between the U.S. and North Korea would be bridged “with time.”

The president confirmed that all the current sanctions on Pyongyang will remain in place.

“You always have to be prepared to walk,” Trump said. “I could have 100 percent signed something today — we actually had papers ready to be signed — but it just wasn’t appropriate. I want to do it right: I’d much rather do it right than do it fast.”

Walking away

Reflecting on the moment the American delegation decided to walk away from the negotiating table, Trump claimed the environment was “very good, very friendly.”

“This wasn’t a walk away like you get up and walk out. No, this was very friendly — we shook hands,” he said. “When we walked away, it was a very friendly walk.”

In lighter news, Martha Stewart is getting into cannabis now — partnering with CGC — because pot is good and it cures EVERYTHING.

Lifestyle authority and television personality Martha Stewart has entered a business partnership with Canopy Growth, one of the globe’s largest marijuana and hemp producers, to develop hemp-derived CBD products.

Stewart will play an advisory role at Canopy and will first assist in developing a broad new line of animal health products, the company said Thursday. The partnership also includes Sequential Brands Group, a consumer brands company in the fashion, active and home categories that works with Stewart.

With several clinical trials underway, the company said it plans to leverage Stewart’s consumer experience while exploring the effects of CBD on both human and animal health.

“I am delighted to establish this partnership with Canopy Growth and share with them the knowledge I have gained after years of experience in the subject of living,” said Stewart. “I’m especially looking forward to our first collaboration together, which will offer sensible products for people’s beloved pets.”

Watch crude, HYG, SRLN, and crude stocks before adding exposure to equities for trades.

Longer term fags need to stop micro-managing their accounts and instead focus on adding to your accounts every month for cap growth over the next 25 years.

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  1. antiseptic

    I don’t care if North Korea has nukes. It’s none of our business. NK is just a peasant farm on the other side of the planet. These assholes want pillage it and the average American will get squat. So f them.

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  2. edge

    Kids these days. Can’t they just chew up a bud and wash it down with a beer? Do they not know what a pipe is? Sheesh.

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  3. edge

    A few days ago China posted a slew of 3-deviation moves. Since then, a series of mild pull backs that look like- dare I say it- a bull flag.
    Trump’s crappy skills resulted in a walkout, barely a ripple.
    Latest US data good.
    Looks higher. No new moves for me yet.

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  4. edge

    Sold gush -4.5%. Bought UVXY for a hedge.

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  5. jbandy

    Trump’s “walk-out” was pre-planned/staged as a message to the Chinese on the trade talks…

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