18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Lounging Around Like a Salamander — Preparing For a Series of Wins

I don’t feel like trading today. I feel like I just ran 10 miles at full speed and now want to rest in order to re-charge. The macros look fine, on the surface, but then I start to read stuff like this and I stop.

Negativity is a very addictive mood, the lure of misery besetting others while escaping the scourge through our unique genius is hard coded in every human’s DNA. At times I find myself running so fast in the market, I become mechanized and prone to mistakes. I usually am able to see behind the veil best, become one with the market, when I spend time to think things through. That’s exactly what I intend to do now.

Look, if I wanted to make 15% on my money, I’d simply buy and hold a series of ETFs and play golf all day. But I don’t — because I want to make 115% and I want to do it in style, panache, and of course grace.

For the balance of the day, I’ll be joshing around in Exodus, in my automobile driving fast, preparing a healthy feat for tonight’s rituals.

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