18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,563 Blog Posts


I sold out of GEVO for a 15% gain. Moving on now, I am 60% cash in my trading account — taking it easy — awaiting nuclear war in Asia.

Will I get long again, perhaps today?


All depends on the situation.


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  1. edge

    Sold last of UVXY +7.25%. 82% cash.

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  2. edge

    Fly I never hear you remark on UVXY. I think that despite its flaws it’s a money maker. Just don’t give it a chance to bite you.
    I happen to know that the Gods respect and adore your opinions. Mere mortals hang on your every word and eagerly await the bequeathment of thy divine judgment.

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  3. icanseeformilesandmiles

    A long while back you made a great trade in MVIS. If I recall, you dumped it after a quick profit and avoided years of sideways action as the world wasn’t quite ready for their tiny MEMS mirror Laser Based Scanning engine. Fast forward to now and I am going to present to you a gift. MVIS technology and patents are the light engine that enables the new Microsoft HoloLens 2 introduced to the world at the Mobile World Conference in Barcelona this past Sunday. Adopting MVIS technology was the breakthrough that allowed MSFT to double the field of view of the HoloLens while retaining 2K resolution per eye for the display. A bunch of us stock message board MVIS cultists have been following the patent trail and contracts done by MVIS for MSFT under NDA agreement. You can get up to speed on that by following these links:
    This is a timeline where we have documented all the direct evidence showing the MSFT connection:
    Here is a side by side comparison of the image presented by Microsoft in their marketing video and a drawing from MVIS patent for a new MEMS mirror design. Note the MVIS inventor, Wyatt Davis, is now Principal Display Systems Engineer working for MSFT. The MSFT images match the MVIS patent perfectly. As we see it, MSFT is using MVIS MEMS laser scanning, the world just doesn’t know it yet due to the NDAs. =Opportunity!!
    The MSFT HoloLens 2 trailer where this image comes from is here. MEMS mirror is at 0:18
    Here is a “summary” version of the Microsoft presentation. The original presentation was over an hour but this cuts it down to 13 minutes. “We invented an industry defining MEMS display. These are the smallest and most power efficient 2K displays in existence” at 4:09.
    Do yourself a favor and dig into this a bit. MVIS market cap is only about $120 million or so. There are about 7.5 million shares short. Once it is confirmed MSFT is using MVIS tech, the share price will rocket. Presently it is undiscovered and the share price is drifting. The above is all speculation by long, long time investors in MVIS, but I have never been so certain of anything. Please take a few minutes and evaluate if you would. Not much time before the world knows what we have pieced together – all public information but you have to put the puzzle together to see the picture. The rocket will leave the pad shortly…

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    • edge

      This thing has been around for quite some time and is still losing $0.29 per $1.20 share.
      Maybe for a trade.

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      • icanseeformilesandmiles

        The world finally caught up to the technology. It took 2 decades but it is revolutionary. 2019 will amaze. It is ok if you don’t get it. MSFT does 🙂

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