18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,563 Blog Posts

Pro-Tip: Don’t Buy Gambler Stock and Then Walk Away From Trading Turret

Chalk this down in your stock traders handbook.

Earlier today I bought SOLO, based upon this or that — MUH electric cars going higher. I was feeling damn fucking good about the trade and then needed to step away early. Always busy and never one to just slouch around the house like a fucking loser — Le Fly stepped out into the breezy winter winds feeling accomplished and poised for profit.

In about 5 minutes after I sped down the road into a whir of dust and dirt — SOLO had collapsed 50 cents from my basis. This is a level I’d normally stop out.

So now I am entreated to the specter of enduring yet another reversal of fortune, the first being CFIS — from +30% to -25%.

Nevertheless, I trust the Gods are with me and favour me in spite of this brief period of set back.

On the issue of home maladies that afflict me, just today both my shower-head LITERALLY EXPLODED and one of my kitchen cabinet drawers broke off and collapsed. This is good news for those tracking my stock market mojo. Personal set backs have always been met with fierce rallies in Le Fly’s holdings.

See you misfits and vagabonds tomorrow.

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  1. mad marsupial

    Do you ever use trailing stops? Just curious. That’s what I do sometimes when I ‘step out.’

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  2. chumpdaddy

    Sure, trailing stops, just like that one time you don’t use a condom….

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    • mad marsupial

      I got destroyed using Trailing Stops on several ETFs in the 2015 Flash Crash. My broker said they were “righteous fills” – 20% below my set Stop Percentage which was 7% Trailing. The sells filled at -27% during the Flash. Jerks. I only use them short term for day trading now, not LT holds.

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  3. whaler31

    I’m starting to think your incoming water main might need a pressure regulator.

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