18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Markets Tried to Go Down — But Was Rejected

I sold out of that CIFS shit for a 25% loss. It’s funny, only because it’s sad. I had a 30% gain in it yesterday, then got greedy, then got REKT. ‘Tis is life.

Towards the end of the day, I bought VIPS, another low brow stock with hunger in its eyes.

There’s nothing bearish in this set up at all and the only reason why I have cash is due to caution. We’re run up big and I’ve enjoyed handsome returns. Before dialing up the pressure again, I want to see how the market responds to this overhead resistance. If the Qs shot above $177, I’d be convinced to go all in again.

Other than that, I’d like to see Apple confirm that business is okay, which would place us in a position to see new highs.

Got to run.


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  1. it is showtime

    What’s the Bureau of Lying Statistics gonna say next-time?
    What are they gonna make up?
    oscar for Best Makeup

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  2. numbersgame

    I’m goign to have to get into VIX futures. UVXY and the other ETFs do a sh!t job tracking, even on a daily basis.

    In February it follows 0.59x – 0.01

    In otherwords, it loses 1% everyday regardless of VIX movement and its beta (to the VIX index) is 0.6 instead of 1.5

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    • jonnybegood2

      vix etf products are garbage. as are the oil etfs like uso, uco. don’t even bother with them for a day trades anymore. price erosion is ridiculous. prefer the tqqq, sqqq, udow etc. for leveraged daytrades. although i only trade those products off of extreme situations and volatility.

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  3. sia

    So I guess it is risky to buy a stock after a 100+% move? Got it!

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  4. wolfdaddy

    60% swing. Go play with your retards, fuckface

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  5. chumpdaddy

    CME futures broke at 7:40 this evening. I did not break it, I mean they are broken, shut down. Sometime tripped over a power cord.

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