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No Deal on China-US Trade Riff — Tech Stocks Set To Rise Nonetheless

A CNBC reporter just tweeted out Trump might meet with President Xi in late February to iron out their fucking differences and perhaps ink a new trade deal. I have a strong mind that ignores this sort of poppycock as exactly that — unfettered rhetoric designed to lull plebs into a thick sleep with extra sauce.

No thank you — fuck you very much. You don’t have a deal, Mr. President. And because you don’t have a deal, you delay and tell people you’ll need to meet with Xi in February, in order to mash out the finer details — because you and only you are capable of grasping the intricacies of global trade between two massive economies. All of your trained economists are god damned morons, incapable of finalizing a trade deal. We’re so fortunate, in this regard, to have you there at the mast, negotiating on our behalf.

Nonetheless, stocks are likely to rise today. We are seeing a divergence between the Dow and Nasdaq — but I don’t think it’ll last long. People are cold and angry. America is being punished by the Gods through inclement weather — because we are an evil sort of malcontent. We have nothing better to do than buy stocks and increase our insatiable appetites for greed. We’re all fat chocolate pie eating slobs, shimmying throughout life with giant asses and false noses. Disgusting, really.

Gold and silver are through the roof this morning. That is the single best asset class right now.

Top pick: NUGT

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  1. juice

    don’t jinx the @jake-gint portfolio & don’t disparage the commander & chief … he’s in the whitest house of all white houses & you’re not

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  2. Raul3

    they’ll make a deal after Chinese New Year, making peace after the new year is a big part of their culture

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  3. edge

    The Chinese know they’re dealing with a sucker. We’re screwed. The Orange Buffoon strikes (out) again.

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  4. the hungry dog

    Gold, Silver & MJ are all moving up today! Smoke um if you got um!

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  5. tha pirate

    Our President has been dealing with difficult people in business for a LONG time – and very successfully, yet the extreme left & America haters keep doubting and hating.

    You fuckwads don’t love the USA? Fine. Fuck you. Go move to Tehran and trade in their markets. I am sick of people enjoying the wealthiest most prosperous nation in history, enjoying the fruits that only a capitalist system like ours can provide and then bitching about it. I was there 9/11. I saw the America haters & radical Muslim terrorists celebrate in their hate.

    Don’t like the USA? LEAVE!!


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    • ferd

      As-Salaam-Alaikum Pirate,

      Obviously Fly is an Iranian terrorist and he will move to Tehran ..inshallah

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      • tha pirate

        Like always when you go near a toilet (like the leaders of Iran who are a menace to the free nations of the world AS WELL s their own people), TURD will show up..

        Whats the matter Turd? Upset that the President ended your precious “deal” made by Hussein Obama? Sorry, no more pallets of cash for the Mullahs!

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        • joshua

          Not really sure if serious or joking. Can’t really tell with most Americans these days.

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        • numbersgame

          President’s Trump’s Iran deal:
          – You can keep the moeny Obama freed up
          – we’ll grant waivers so you can continue to sell oil
          – don’t worry about nuclear inspections, deal is off

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    • numbersgame

      Dipshit, we have a President, not a King, just like George Washington intended. Over half the country thinks he is doign a bad job.

      There’s a difference between *hoping* DonJohn is successful, and *predicting* that he will give up more than he gets.. There’s no one that can bail him out on this one.

      F*ck anyone cheering on 9/11, f*ck the idito-in-chief (but hope he’s succesful for the good of our country), and f*ck morons that confuse patriotisms with blind, sheep-like praise for everythign and anythign this country or the president does.

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  6. ferd

    European candle of concern here ..as the DB and BCS indicators have turned south.

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  7. ferd

    Shorting the infidel’s XRT ETF here.

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