18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Markets Don’t Give a Shit About Your Feelings

We’re nothing more than the sum total of our experiences, the things we’re privy to and the ideas that are conjured, based off our inputs. It is, by definition, limiting. The market, on the other hand, encompasses all human knowledge, in a never-ending pricing mechanism that condenses all thinking into a singular composite.

Your ideas and your plans made sense, up until the point when the market disagreed. You cannot fight the trend and it’s foolish to entrench yourself in bad trades. Whatever ideas you had, shelve them, and join the sheep. That’s where the food is to be found. You’ll thank me for this advice for the balance of your lives.

I sold two underperforming stocks now — because if a stock isn’t rallying today — it’s a dog. Out with TME and UXIN for 5.5% losses.

On the buy side, I bought SONO, HUYA, and YEXT — all 5% positions. Current cash position is 0%.

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  1. edge

    Sold APHA. May reenter. Thx Fly.

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  2. edge

    Qs want the 200d

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  3. ferd

    If you missed the silver run …sometimes the lesser known small miners only move after the major miners have run. Check out ASM as it flops around at what may be the low of a right shoulder of an inverted H+S. For your gambling money, this could easily double before it hits overhead supply.

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  4. helen

    Because I’m masochist, bought AMZN XOM and GDX puts expiring tomorrow:)

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  5. stkfulano


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  6. jbandy

    Hope you enjoyed your morning gains–big reversal on the way. The January rally is over.

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  7. trumpmeister

    Bet against me and keep losing while I’m smoking the good gold and silver dust.

    Both gold and silver are about to go on a BTC on all the tech trannies. Cha Choo train isn’t stopping for anybody for 2019.

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  8. numbersgame

    I’ve made my decision: keep your stocks,
    TLT for the waiting game,
    UVXY for the longer play (2-3 weeks), will add to this as complacency rises

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    • numbersgame

      To be clear, I sold TLT today on the spike up, and will buy it back tomorrow (expecting that the drop will be greater than the dividend).

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