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Big Breasted Breakout Looms

So we’ve been coddled inside this FAGbox for the better part of the past two weeks. In what can only be described as an incredible reversal of fortune, bulls stand to, yet again, enjoy yet another ill deserved rally. Since this is Fed day and Powell is a FUCKING IDIOT, it’s also possible we might McPlunge lower on rhetoric that shit is so norm right now — the Fed is back on track with hiking rates according to their fucking dot plot.

You should prepare yourselves for that eventuality.

All that aside, both AAPL and BA is helping the Dow jimmy higher this morning. But I’m more interested in oil, junk bonds, and small caps. Feast your eyes on the IWM today, FUCKED FACE, and be sure not be gamble too much all at once.

Barreling into today, I am 65% long, 35% cash in trading — 100% long in Quant. In the Quant account, it’s built for defense this month and has only gained ~4.5%. In an typical month, +4.5% is something to jerk off to. But not this month. Had I been in all growth, said returns would be 11%.

Prepare for a big breasted breakout today. Get your tits ready.

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  1. cancel19

    It’s cold out there!

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  2. numbersgame

    Note the fade in .. everything? Probably a good time to check again on IWM, fucked face.

    I’m still more inclined to think we break lower, not higher – and still in cash waiting for direction (ie, FED)

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  3. edge

    I usually don’t watch the Dow, but it’s an eyelash below its 200d. Is bigger better?

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  4. numbersgame

    Also, do not take Boeing news as representaive of manufacturing. As far as I know, there are only two major commerical airline manuafcturers: Boeing and Airbus.

    One of them is totally f*cked by Brexit, especially the likely hard version. Good news for the other one.

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