18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,563 Blog Posts


In truth, I don’t think Wilbur is neither an imbecile nor a moron. I just like to place his picture on the site with the words above it. It makes me laugh. He statements are, in my estimation, a byproduct of being old AF. I believe Wilbur was born nearly 100 years ago. Therefore, and this goes without saying, he’s entitled to say and do whatever he god damn wants.

You getting mad at him is tantamount to getting mad at Grandma for slapping the cat for jumping on the table during dinner. That cat had it coming, and so does America for having good old Wilbur in charge of something important.

I closed out my SOXS trade today, for a loss of 14%. This is the second double digit loss for the week. Why, if I keep this up… I might go broke by the time I am 65 (extra Orson Welles).

Oil up, HYG up, tech up — markets rolling higher. My DRIP and SQQQ positions will not last the day.

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  1. ferd

    Who was the politician who suggested that people struggling should simply use “family money”. Then there was Mitt’s wife who, in attempting to relate to the common folk, recalled the early years of their marriage when they “barely entertained”.

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    • edge


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    • numbersgame

      Requirement for next President:
      Parents who weren’t a members of the top 20%.

      Income and wealth disparity is a critical issue in our country, and whether they realize it or not, even the top 1% will be negativly affected by this.

      Nothing creates empathy like direct experience. Heck, the only reason we got criminal reform was that Jared Kushner’s dad went to jail

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      • ferd

        Requirements for next President:
        – Must have sufficient moral flexibility that they are willing to act as agents for the powers that be
        – Must fit whatever identity profile that the powers that be feel aids their MSM mouthpieces in programming lemming voters to vote against their own self-interest

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  2. acehood

    This market is hanging by a thread.

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    • edge

      Possibly. But it could hit the 200d. Or head down.
      95% cash and waiting for, hell, I don’t know. “We’ll see”.

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