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2020 Elections Theme: EAT THE RICH vs BUILD THE WALL

This is going to be great. It will be a stick vs stick campaign, both parties jimmying to fuck a subset of the country with zero interest in the lives of beloved Wall Street.

Consider the following narrative.


If you thought 2016 was a tough year for investors — you haven’t seen anything yet.

Plus there’s this.

In theory, I should not care about FUCKHEADS worth more than $50m getting taxed.

However, the problem being punitive with the very rich is that it aligns you with the poor, who produce zilch. This economy is a trickle down scheme. Nothing of value is produced from the plebs and it’s important that you remember that for the rest of your lives. All you get from the plebs is murder, rape, and complaints. Some of you grew up with silver spoons lodged up your ass. I grew up with the plebs and can tell you, certainly, it’s better to be with the rich.

Now the super rich are another animal. Fuck those guys.

Nevertheless, the battle lines are being drawn and it doesn’t look friendly for the regular Joe Schmo stock trader.

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  1. me_xman

    HAHAHAAA!! Good one.

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  2. acehood

    There’s no nobility in poverty.

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  3. ferd

    Obama ran on getting out of mid-east wars and on helping those most in need. Yet, once in office, he doubled down on the existing wars, launched a couple new wars, populated the west wing with Goldman alum and systematically funneled money to primary dealer banker/criminals.

    Trump ran on getting out the Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria and on getting along with Russia ..yet we’re still warring in those countries and we are behaving more belligerently towards Russia than ever …even while he is called a Russian agent.

    So Warren, Harris, and their ilk can run on any words that work for them and it won’t upset the establishment. The one appears to have the establishment running scared is Tulsi Gabbard. Gabbard hits all the identity politics notes, she’s brown, she’s a vet, and she’s a she. She scares them because she is anti-war and may actually have moral integrity.

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  4. ferd

    BTW, remember what Warren’s populist message was while the criminal bankers were being baled out and made richer? She was focusing in ATM fees being too high.

    The establishment will be just fine with her providing such distractions.

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  5. chumpdaddy

    If you tax the very rich they’ll load their wealth producing machines onto yachts and go somewhere else. The plebs and the barely rich would be stuck, fighting over Obamacare tax credits like homeless people over a half eaten pizza.

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  6. edge

    I’ve had it with oligarchy. Capitalism was much better.
    I’m back in UPRO.

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  7. heckler

    What do you have against the poor? Seriously, after thousands of years of civilization and history we have finally reached man’s ultimate end-all: Being ruled by billionaire overlords. Oh what a fucking joy.

    Meanwhile furloughed federal workers will be living on the streets soon because our billionaire-led consumerist capitol economy has somehow encouraged them to have zero dollars? What in the actual fuck? Why are normal people so god-damned poor?

    Fly you read enough to know that your views on ‘productivity’ are in fact, total bullshit. I think that’s just your training talking and not your actual outlook reflecting your true nature and how you are connect to the collective unconscious. It might sounds like an aside but you NEED to read Lord of the Rings. Tolkien totally predicted this as did Plato a millennia before him. Productivity. Fuck man how about just living a good and decent life with some spirit and meaning? Do you not think that wealth inequality is at emergency levels? China is going to fuck our kids and grand kids the fuck up.

    I say tax the shit out of their testicles and the Meghan McCain’s of this world can suck my dick. I saw in my local paper this morning that America’s newest class of rich are younger and richer than ever before. Why? Inheritance of course. Fucking productivity what a joke!


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    • edge

      The problem is that we are moving away from capitalism and into oligarchy. We know it isn’t right, yet we dither, as the younger generation grows ever more skeptical of the American system. Who could blame them?
      We need to prove that we can do better than socialism, and fast.
      Wealth and income need to be diverted DOWN the ladder ASAP.

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  8. edge

    I just made TEN DOLLARS on UPRO.

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  9. juice

    I must say, the comments are nearly as entertaining as le Fly’s amusing ramblings.

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  10. nocigar

    A major problem with ALL new forms of taxation is that the initial rate & threshold is merely the opening gambit by the takers.

    For example, in the Federal Revenue Act of 1913, the lowest tax rate (1%) applied to the first $20,000 ($500K+ in 2018 dollars). The highest marginal rate was 7%.

    The California sales tax started out at 2.5% in 1933. It averages 8.5% across the state now.

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    • numbersgame

      “The takers”
      Why don’t you look at a gov’t policy and figure out exactly who the takers are? You can start by justifying why whever the middle class makes inroads via wage growth through free-market labor deamnd, interest rates are raised through non-free-market interest rate hikes to boost asset prices.

      As for the “initial rate”, for the uber-rich, it is often 0%. Sercah for “stepped-up basis”.

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  11. tjnyt

    Big day for tomorrow shaping up. Energy, tech, holding ….wdc, wb,fb, aapl, apa, dvn, xop.

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  12. one-eighty

    Only the first two million dollars of any employees pay should be allowed as a legitimate corporate expense. Any pay over that amount the company can pay the full whack.
    Why should taxpayers subsidize these obscene paychecks?
    Owners and founders exempt though. They started the company so they deserve to be rewarded.

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  13. numbersgame

    The market certainly is in a Bullsih mmod of late. Most notable is INTC’s whiff vs the SOX post- and pre-market reactions.

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