18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,563 Blog Posts

PENT UP RAGE PURCHASES: $MOMO, $PDD — More Details About New Premium Service

Jesus Christ I’m angry today. I don’t know why I’m so god damned upset. Maybe it has something to do with these fucking milk duds I’m chewing, annoying AF. Or maybe because I’m famished and haven’t cooked yet, or because I was working upstairs and the kids fucked the computer beyond belief with their games and shit — rendering the Apple desktop unusable and slow.

My stocks are doing fantastic. Look at SOXL and LABU, truly wonderful. I nailed the market every which way but loose, and I’m working on that too.

I sold FIVN today for a +5.5% win and traveled with those proceeds to the orient and bought both PDD and MOMO.

Both stocks are up, but they’ll go higher. Watch and see.

I know, the market is annoying and you thought it would keep going lower. This is what the market does, tricks people into fucking themselves. Now you’re probably thinking ‘it’s too late to buy now’ and you’d be wrong to say or think it. Stocks will trade up for the balance of the week.


Inside of a fortnight, hopefully before Turkey Day, iBankCoin will be launching our most aggressive and inspired premium service. I am going to allocate my time, dedicated to doing live mentoring/educating/coaching, transferring all of my methods and everything that I know — to help you become a better trader. You will appreciate this service — because it is designed to be custom tailored for your needs. Instead of a pig pen styled boot camp, I’ll set aside my anonymity for some screen sharing live calls. I’l have the iBC team help with this, in addition to Jeff Macke, for your retail needs — as well as anyone else in my rolodex that I feel can help short cut your education.

The end game is for you to not need me anymore, cancelling the service, and becoming an independent and successful investor. Maybe you could send me a nice bottle of gin down the road, as a token sign of appreciation. I’d drink to that.

Just a little FYI: I only have so many hours in the day to be allocated and based on early demand feedback, I will have to turn away many of you, or place you on a waiting list. I can accept maybe 50-75 members, based upon the amount of hours you reserve. We’ll have two tiers, 1 hr per mo for $99 and 3hrs for $299.

I’ll have more details in about a week or two.

If you enjoy the content at iBankCoin, please follow us on Twitter


  1. ericbakerbruce

    Can I just buy 3 one-hour sessions for $297, rather than spend $299 for one three-hour session?

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  2. Dr. Fly

    I hate you for this comment.

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  3. ferd

    Good spot to sell MOMO …which I did.

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  4. Lyndon Keltner

    Fly, you are a hard working man. But 99 after tax, NY state no less. Yikes.

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