18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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WRITE THIS DOWN: Markets Will Spring-Cock Higher Tomorrow

You should be watching every god damned tick of the Asian markets tonight and then every single tick in Europe, just to get a flavor for their markets. Do you know how many fucking times I actually did that — just to get acclimated with their markets? A lot, fucked face.

Here’s the problem with most of you: you want to get rich and enjoy great success in the market — but you do not want to do the work. You think the work is subscribing to Exodus and hearing what I have to say in the chat room?


Do you think it’s smart to take my picks and go all in on those ideas, when in fact I’m subject to failure just like everyone else?

Let me clue you in on a little secret. Everyone can pick winning stocks. Everyone can make money in a bull market. The one’s who make it long term and have gains to speak of are the people who were able to minimize losses during drawdowns. My losses were small during this squall because I stopped out quickly and my position sizes were 5%. Plus, I was more than 50% cash nearly the entire time.

But right now I am ALL IN, 100% long, and I’ll tell you what — I’ll cut my dick off if this markets doesn’t rage higher tomorrow. I am talking devil horns into your face rage — 666 NASDAQ points to the upside in a Hallow’s Eve rape storm of profit and hedonistic gluttony.

Best thing you can do in your entire life: join Exodus and let me show you how I create magic out of thin air.

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  1. Lyndon Keltner

    Bounce is obviously overdue but the dick guillotines are very much alive and well.

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    • ironbird

      Dude your yeast infested vagina is not a cock. Get right with your transgender witch.

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      • Dr. Fly


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        • Lyndon Keltner

          I know you mad cuz your tiny white button mushroom is impotent and even Trump can’t save you.

          But you sure can go shoot up some black church or Jewish synagogue or Sikh temple. I suppose it’s more fun than shit-posting on here.

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  2. chuck bennett


    The depravity!


    Chuck Bennett

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  3. nial

    You have a side bet with McAfee?

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  4. rangersfan

    schwing!. when is John Mcafee suppossed to eat his own dick, btc does not look headed for 100k

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  5. torero

    Don’t give a shit what you say until SPY breaks $270. Then it’s all in riding this bitch to the top. Absolutely right about far too many people not wanting to do the work. But who’s money do you think I plan to walk away with 🙂

    (Why didn’t you put this analysis in Powerpoint Fly? Make me millions. No. I’m not paying a subscription. )

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  6. mrcharlie

    Spring cock a doodle doo mofos!!!

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