18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,558 Blog Posts

Hate Me All You Want — But I Will Kill You

Anytime I take a position that is against the current, my comments section becomes a destination for the middle earth, Orcs opining about their time during the Great Recession and how this is that and how wrong I am about markets. Well, hello, go fuck yourself. How about that?

I do not pretend to know everything about the market — because I do know everything about the market. There’s no pretending here in this routine. I’m your brokers broker, the guy who people come to when they’re feeling down and out, stupid, and cast into the streets left for dead. I’m the guy you read when markets dislocate and break in two like an old rickety branch.

Am I right?

So go fuck yourselves and the opinions you bring to me. I do not care for them, and you’re not qualified to offer me advice.

Am I being touchy, maybe a little thinned skinned?

No, so go fuck yourself.

“The Fly” has been investing since he’s 10. Do you know how old I am now?

1,000 years plus, and more.

I’m an ancient, odious, man — who reads old books and writes all day. You play video games and smoke pot inside blunts. There’s a difference between you and I and maybe you’re destined for something terrific, and I wish you well. I truly do. But you need to go fuck yourself now and quit badgering me for trying to help you.

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  1. soonerxii

    tbf, I’m only here so I can make money to buy pot and video games

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  2. acehood

    What book(s) are you currently on?

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  3. mrcharlie

    One of my sisters turned me onto Bukowski, reminds me of myself when younger, gambling, smoking womanizing. But he definitely curses and drinks more!

    “Le Fly is 1000 years plus”…..he is the fukn Gandalf wizard of the equity markets hahaaaa

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