18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Took Several Knives to the Chest — Still Alive and 70% Cash

***ATTENTION PLEBS: Access the Exodus algos now for free, at FreeStockAlgos.com ***

Boy what a tech wreck it is out there. I didn’t want to sell down so much, but what am I supposed to do when these fucking stocks are sticking knives in my chest? Am I supposed to sit there and say ‘please Sir, might I beg your pardon for another?’

No. I removed the knives from my chest and grabbed those stocks by the hair and decapitated them.

I kicked out of PVTL, SMAR, RP, and OSTK — losses ranged between 5-12%.

With the proceeds, I’m doing nothing, other than regretting using DRIP as one of my hedges.

Here’s what I’m seeing in Exodus and why I’m concerned. Leadership in tech is in the wind. My Bubble Basket is sharply lower, as are the FAANG stocks. Additionally, and many aren’t watching this, the highest growth SAAS stocks are getting man-handled. This is, by far, the best performing sector in the market this year. Pay attention to the distribution. Junior at the trading turret is getting nervous and he’s making mistakes. While the PM is in Nantucket doing lines of blow, Junior is busy ruining the business.

Dunkirk soundtrack on loop. Oh and the SAAS stocks are now -2.5%.

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  1. ferd

    Consider silver and some pm diggers like FSM and AUY.

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  2. cash cow


    I married a hooker in UXIN. She is murdering me. You think whore bounces?

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