18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Life is Hard and Sometimes Difficult — This is One Thing You Can Control

As you get older you realize all of the mistakes you made when you were younger. A lot of people reflect back on those errors and get somber about them, permitting a veil of melancholy to sweep them away into a world of wilted dreams.

Quit being such pussies.

Life is a continuous error, followed by periods of joy. Some find joy in playing the violin, others in watching foolsball. I find joy in successfully dissecting the stock market and making money in it. It is one of the few things I am very good at and that I am able to control.

Can I control what the people around do and say? I only wish.

Can I control what Trump will tweet about next? Heavens no.

But I can take the information available to me and make smart decisions? When I say “smart” I mean removing my ribald emotions from the workflow of trading.


Here’s Larry Kudlow doubling down on Trump’s trade war, saying he inherited a ‘broken trading system.’

Is any of that true? Before you answer and give an opinion, why should you care? Can you control any outcome here? Once you establish a bias, you’ve subconsciously began the process to let emotions get in the way of your trading. You might think the trade war is ruinous and that idea might manifest itself into a sundry of trades and positions that end up hurting you.

Get your head out from your asses.

I just assume it’s all a nice Broadway show, entertainment for me as I toil. Life is hard and sometimes boring. The good folks at the US Govt are merely providing the people with an entertaining reality show for the masses, to keep us busy and to pass the time.

Every mistake I ever made trading the market started and ended with my opinions getting in the way of sound decisions. In short, trade the market you see, not the one you want.

And for the youngsters out there who haven’t made a bunch of life ruining mistakes yet: your youth makes you ignorant and that ignorance often leads to great success and blow-ups. Truth is, you’re more likely to blow up than become a great success. That’s just how the math works out. Take your time and plan for the next 30 years and you’ll be fine.

Admiral Fly signing off now. Time to eat some lunch.

Be sure to check out my new web property, FreeStockAlgos.com to access the algorithms of Exodus.

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  1. ferd

    “Before you answer and give an opinion, why should you care? Can you control any outcome here?”

    Control things? No.

    But learning as best one can about where the truth lies is the sacred duty of every human. And sharing the truth as you see it is the very least we should all do out of respect for one another. Let the youngsters enjoy not being a cynical old fuck.

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  2. Raul3

    Absolute truth. I do believe I tapped into a similar trading mentality and managed to explain it well enjoy http://ibankcoin.com/raul3/2018/07/29/ready-now-and-the-timing-is-right/

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  3. cancel19

    I finally found out that life as a trader is like fighting a war doing missions in a submarine.

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