18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Don’t Get Dispirited — Everyone Loses, Except “The Fly” Of Course

Reading this blog must lead to a great melancholy across the reader class of people, dispirited tea drinkers who’ve been struggling throughout life eating ham and cheese sandwiches. I want you to know, I do not know your plight. Le Fly is different from the lot of you — mind you. I’ve never known loss or setback and have been winning from birth.

Whilst some out there pretend to win a lot, I crave to lose. It is my curse, my burden, a great guilt that will haunt me until my death.

But I’ve read a lot and know the stories of how people got depressed after enduring set backs, the ephemeral height of euphoric victory slipping and slandering into the dark pits of morass. DO NOT FLEE young lads; wait for better terms!

Take some of you positions and reserve them. Remove some of your cash from that market, and reserve it. You’ll be okay in the end, especially because you’re under the direct guidance of a space alien magician (SAM).

A few basic tenets for you to follow.

Never start a position off larger than 5% of total assets. I don’t care if your account if $10k or $1,000,000. 5% max.

Rarely, if ever, average down. That’s simply throwing good money after bad.

Averaging up is what winners do.

Never hold true to your convictions. Read it again. The market will make an asshole out of you, get gay, and then — well you know what. Be trans-biased and feel free to change your identity whenever you want.

Never drink during the work week. It’ll cause you to be lethargic and retarded. Only boozehounds and people with substance abuse problems go to dinner and drink bottles of wine during the week. Extricate yourself from these people, for they are losers.

Last but not least, accept defeat gracefully, just like I accept victory — with honor and dignity.

And listen to a lot of Stan Getz.

Have a great weekend and be sure to check out my new web property for access to the Exodus algos.

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  1. acehood

    “ephemeral heigh of euphoric victory slipping and slandering into the dark pits of morass.” —-> hemmingway type shit!

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  2. moosh

    Stan is growing on me, thanks Fly. Could you touch more on averaging up? That shit is always tough to do.

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