18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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People think I’m crazy because I’m changeable. Yesterday I was threatening to mince bears into cubes and feed them to my dogs. Today I’m a bear. See how that works? The market is bigger than me. I am not JP Morgan circa 1920. Therefore, I must remain malleable to what it shows me.

Right now it is showing me shit. It has shown me shit for the better part of the past 3 weeks. I went on a terrific run and then I churned for the next 15 trades; and here I am — now full circle, 50% cash, long TZA.

Do I believe stocks will crash and continue lower? I honestly don’t think about it that much. Right now I am fixated with becoming a tier 1 chef, an artist of sorts in the kitchen, classically trained by the best Youtubers in the world.

Aside from that, I’m losing money — just like the lot of you.

What the fuck did you think this could last forever?

If you’re stuck and down, sell some stocks. They’re only stocks — not really a big deal. We can buy different stocks next week if the market shows us something.

In Exodus, I am stalking the tech sector and the most down. I’m also waiting for an Exodus oversold signal, which has been accurate in 80% of cases dating back to 2009.

I know, you have you’re own methods and I’m sure they’re retarded. Just know, no matter how much you think you know, no matter how many books you’ve read and seminars attended, you’ll never know more than me.

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One comment

  1. crawfishaddict

    I appreciate the ability to change opinions when new information is discovered….


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