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Germany’s Merkel Calls On Government to Regulate Fake News Sites, Complains ‘Opinions Aren’t Formed the Way They Were 25 Years Ago’

There are so many red flags in this article, I am astounded that actual reporters who actually get paid to protect the 4th estate aren’t upset over this. Instead of coming to grips with the fact that the insidious policies of the globalist elite have failed the average western family over the past 25 years, helped by the cover up by a corrupt media, these crazy fucking lunatics are talking about regulating news on the internet, like the Chinese, in a last ditch effort to protect their positions in power.

You cannot put the genie back in the bottle, Merkel.

In a speech today, Germany’s Merkel aligned herself with the far left in her country, calling on government regulation of fake news — in order to protect the people from being maniuplated into believing multi culturalism and globalism aren’t exactly in their best interests.

Speaking in parliament for the first time since her announcement Sunday that she would seek re-election next year, Merkel cautioned that public opinion was being “manipulated” on the internet.

“Something has changed — as globalisation has marched on, (political) debate is taking place in a completely new media environment. Opinions aren’t formed the way they were 25 years ago,” she said.

“Today we have fake sites, bots, trolls — things that regenerate themselves, reinforcing opinions with certain algorithms and we have to learn to deal with them.”

Merkel, 62, said the challenge for democrats was to “reach and inspire people — we must confront this phenomenon and if necessary, regulate it.”

She said she supported initiatives by her right-left coalition government to crack down on “hate speech” on social media in the face of what she said were “concerns about the stability of our familiar order”.

“Populism and political extremes are growing in Western democracies,” she warned.

Last week, Google and Facebook moved to cut off ad revenue to bogus news sites after a US election campaign in which the global misinformation industry may have influenced the outcome of the vote.

But media watchers say more is needed to stamp out a powerful phenomenon seen by some experts as a threat to democracy itself.

But she is facing a strong challenge from a resurgent rightwing populist party, Alternative for Germany (AfD), which has her liberal refugee and migration policy in its crosshairs.

So let’s imagine they get their way and are able to appoint czars who run large government run bureaus to regulate news, like they do in China. I’d imagine, like in China, websites would be required to attain a license to publish news. Anonymity would be disallowed. Mediocre government employees would pass judgement upon every single post and comment that you make online and ‘social scores’ will be issued, like in China, which would be equally as important as credit scores. If your social score dropped too low, then your license would be revoked, website shut down, and you’d face possible imprisonment and/or fines.

Since this new bureau would cost a fortune to run, employing thousands of good, loyal, public servants to do the bidding of the globalist scum, website owners would be required to pay hefty annual fees and would need to register in every country they wanted their site seen. In other words, iBankCoin could only be seen in counties where it had an accredited license, fully paid and active.

Is this the type of world you want to live in?

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  1. diver dan

    The masses cannot figure their way out of a paper bag, you see. Our overlords must now parse reality from fiction and dole it out piece by piece. The shocker isn’t that the left manufactures or that politicians embrace the idea. The creepy part is that half the dimwits on the planet will actually line up to gorge themselves on this bait. So much for all the centuries of struggle to escape this paternalism.

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  2. heaterman

    Reading this post and the previous one brings a good deal of angst and thoughts that there is indeed a cadre’ of persons who are very intent on controlling the vast majority of humanity.
    Personally speaking, I’m beginning to feel something that would probably have resonated with and be recognized by the likes of Hamilton, Adams, Jefferson and Madison a couple centuries ago, in the times preceding the Revolution against the authorities of that day.
    It feels we are about to that point.

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  3. dragun

    hell. Maybe we should just roll over and get our guaranteed state income (which they are testing in some countries) and watch fooseball and dancing with the stars. The world has gone for a shit and they cant control it. The only problem is if the pitched forks come out and guillotines roll out who is to say the next group would not love the power of controlling the narrative? The Nazis were very good at it during WWII and you can see a lot of it now in our day and age. “see something. say something.”

    I am libertarian and quite like the NH slogan. Live Free or Die.

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  4. soupbone

    They are dying over this in Germany. The internet and Chink are deflationary enough, and then let’s go ahead and involve thousands of refugees into the homeland. Asshat awards for the blinder wearing arrogant Germans.

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