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Trump Excoriates Media in Off the Record Dressing Down

In classic Trumponion fashion, the media was invited to visit with the President elect for an off the record meeting, believing they were to be fed finger cucumber sandwiches and decadent ceasar salads trimmed with quail eggs, in addition to gaining access to the President-elect. Instead, they were summarily destroyed and scolded for being a discordant band of globalist whores, promoting a perverting brand of agitprop to an otherwise very alert and very pissed off American public.

Source: NY Post

Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ” the source said.

“The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down,” the source added.

A second source confirmed the fireworks.

“The meeting took place in a big board room and there were about 30 or 40 people, including the big news anchors from all the networks,” the other source said.

“Trump kept saying, ‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong.’ He addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars,” the source said.

“Trump didn’t say [NBC reporter] Katy Tur by name, but talked about an NBC female correspondent who got it wrong, then he referred to a horrible network correspondent who cried when Hillary lost who hosted a debate – which was Martha Raddatz who was also in the room.”

The stunned reporters tried to get a word in edgewise to discuss access to a Trump Administration.

“[CBS Good Morning co-host Gayle] King did not stand up, but asked some question, ‘How do you propose we the media work with you?’ Chuck Todd asked some pretty pointed questions. David Muir asked ‘How are you going to cope living in DC while your family is in NYC? It was a horrible meeting.”

Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway told reporters the gathering went well.

“Excellent meetings with the top executives of the major networks,” she said during a gaggle in the lobby of Trump Tower. “Pretty unprecedented meeting we put together in two days.”

The meeting was off the record, meaning the participants agreed not to talk about the substance of the conversations.

The hour-long session included top execs from network and cable news channels. Among the attendees were NBC’s Deborah Turness, Lester Holt and Chuck Todd, ABC’s James Goldston, George Stephanopoulos, David Muir and Martha Raddatz,

Also, CBS’ Norah O’Donnell John Dickerson, Charlie Rose, Christopher Isham and King, Fox News’ Bill Shine, Jack Abernethy, Jay Wallace, Suzanne Scott, MSNBC’s Phil Griffin and CNN’s Jeff Zucker and Erin Burnett.

Arthur Sulzberger, publisher of The New York Times, plans to meet with Trump Tuesday.

There was no immediate comment from the Trump Team.

America is literally on the verge of becoming great again — starting with the purging of the corrupt and deceitful media.

Here’s a recent tweet by Trump’s spokeswoman, Kellyanne Conway, which pretty much sums up the agenda of the mercenary media.

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  1. the_swatter

    globalist hobgoblins summoned into obsidian gold accented tower and shat on…. trump-daddy knows only way to really handle skum like this is to smash their bottom line………so what did he really achieve here? it’s not like msm weren’t aware of what trump really thought of them……..what was the actual art of deal here?

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  2. cancel19

    Give’em Hell!!! What that propaganda arm of the DNC posing as Pulitzer Prize winning fake dogs MSM needs to be exposed for what they are.

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    • joyous__ending

      They are dogs (ankle biters). Trump administration must be ethically clean like no other, the media ankle biters will be chasing him everyday

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  3. Mad_Scientist

    ““Excellent meetings with the top executives of the major networks,” she said”

    LOL she’s the best.

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  4. ironbird

    The man is a genius. Now America can go celebrate a unique national holiday post public shaming of the full scumbag media. They call it a narrative. Happy Thanksgivings.

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  5. juice

    we gotta get rid of the two-term limit and 4 years each term

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  6. pptsd

    This hombre Trump has bigly pelotas.

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  7. joyous__ending

    If any of you played sports, Trump is leading like a great sports coach. Telling the team of the American people they have great talent and he has a winning game plan.

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  8. gorby

    In football they call what he pulled a crackback.
    Trump is a punk.

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  9. oldmantrader

    No group is more deserving of a dressing down than these clowns. They completely misread the entire election and have spent the period after going from one crisis to the next. The only way this ends is with a serious hit ton the wallet,.

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  10. rigged game

    De Fuhrer Trumpf and his nutcase admirers think
    the truth is a lie, and a lie is truth.

    That’s why the watch Faux News.

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  11. juice

    not only that, when he has a message for the American public, he bypasses MSM and goes via twitter https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/800850810490023937

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  12. dchanko

    Journalism and this site have become digital echo-chambers in which people are not allowing themselves, their beliefs, or indeed their prejudice to be challenged.

    Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective not the truth – Marcus Aurelius

    Simplification for Ironbird – Beware your own bullshit

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  13. dchanko

    Thanks for the validation
    carry on

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