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Is BREXIT, Trump and the End of the EU Even Remotely Priced into Markets?

f the globalists lose France to Le Pen and she opts for a referendum to exit the EU, they can kiss their Soviet styled EU bloc goodbye. Germany will then need to explore alternative methods to conquer Europe for the third time over the past century.

One of the tools of the left to discredit ideologies or people that don’t mesh with their distorted way of thinking is to label them as ‘racists’, ‘anti-Semitic’ or even ‘conspiracy theorists.’ During the recent Presidential elections in the U.S., the left, spearheaded by their agents in the press, utilized all of these tools, in a flaccid attempt to discredit Donald Trump. They failed, miserably — because the spirit of nationalism and the cries for free and fair markets were stirring inside of the non-elite. After decades of docile compliance, thanks to the failed policies that have resulted in the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind, from west to east, people are keenly aware of the unharmonious and ignoble canticle of lies — streaming out of the mouths of the empty vessels (extra John Harwood) doing the bidding for the global elite — are nothing more than shackles, a cantankerous obstacle in the way of the pursuit of happiness.

Le Pen might not be perfect; but, she’s an agent of change. And that’s why she’s crushing her competitors in recent polls.

Typical of Wall Street, none of this is being priced in, not BREXIT, not Trump and certainly not the definitive end of the EU. With markets at all time highs, wistfully edging higher on a daily basis on the absurd prospect of runaway inflation, extreme downside risk beckons — just around the bend.

Here’s Le Pen in a CNBC interview today, discussing the farce that is multiculturalism.

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  1. the_swatter

    “markets” have shit to do with fundamentals, econ or anything else that’s real….. giant ponzi scheme………. one day it’ll end in tears, until then keep “trading” 100-300pe garbage and believing you’re somehow smart…LOL…

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    • it is showtime

      I described the direct-programming of indexes about 4 years ago. Refined & reasoned those theories in the following 1-3 years. You get what you got today…: Delineated predatory control from 9:30-4.

      The hundreds literally of charts that “look exactly” like today
      (So many pumpups and turnups with 0 real world association)
      (More opaquely evident with no volume monday before turkey)
      (Moreso mini blackswan election volatility magically returns to 12)
      Just showing ibankcoin how deadon. My observations. cha. cha. cha

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  2. wolfdaddy

    She’s hired! I love her. Good luck fixing that shithole, however

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  3. ironbird

    Fascinating that the women are the bigots across the pond beyond Nigel Farage. She is not the only “far right extremist” female politician over there. Awesome.

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  4. dmfracer

    Not to mention the Fed has been telling us they are going to raise rates “soon” (extra December). Death awaits you all with nasty, big, pointy teeth.

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  5. cancel19

    Be sure not to let the door hit your posterior as you depart. Dr. Fly is in tune to the sages of the ages and obviously not for everybody.

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    • cancel19

      I was responding to some cuck that erased its message!

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      • ironbird

        Man these butthurt peeps are difficult to understand. The good doctor most likely just cast the little snowflake out to sea. For its own good.

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      • Dr. Fly

        he’s been libtarding for a while. I put him out of his misery and banned him.

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  6. dmfracer

    A quick refresher – last December the Fed raised a quarter point and the S&P 500 dropped from $2010-is down to $1810-ish. Fun times ahead.

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    • it is showtime

      They have
      Control of it

      The conditioning, whether it exists or not, is daddy has your back. .25 raise with 1800 s&p? No problem. Record high 2200 s&p. We moved it back regardless see? Until the one time they don’t. (or, can’t) Well, don’t blame us we were doing everything in your favor right? We were so on your side right? Can’t blame, us

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  7. dmfracer

    Should be $2100 down to $1810 ^^^^^^

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  8. chuck bennett

    Fun fact. In Euroland the women are the men and the men are women. I have known many of these women.

    This is why they are the bigots. Lol

    Masculine types are typically more bigoted than the feminine sorts.


    Chuck Bennett

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    • formergeek

      That’s what has been planned for America as well. Starts in the schools with the drugs for the boy children to effectively neuter them into being controllable by nearly 100%nfemale teachers. And metrosexual men are so into “products’ lol a boon for Madison Avenue. I hope we’re not past the point of no return

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  9. it is showtime

    The deep state is really showing their cards. That they must – keep increasing those Pe’s. A populace that will accept any closing headline – as ok – and legitimate – no worries.

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