18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,559 Blog Posts


To all of you libtards drooling over yourselves with hurt feelings because of the content on this site: GO FUCK YOURSELVES. Your small pea brains could see this and still come out saying no one got shot in the head. You have walking around, retard level IQs, perfectly willing to elect a corporate mercenary regime because you think she’s progressive. There isn’t a liberal party in this god damned country. They’re all neocons, all the time, all the way.

But that’s not what I decided to talk about this evening. It’s a matter of principle that you understand my motivation. This is a once in a fucking life time opportunity to lampoon these knuckle-draggers — siphoning content from their personal emails, exposing their pebble sized brains. They’re savage criminals and I’d like them to leave my country.

Also, if you haven’t noticed, the market is so fucking boring. It’s like watching paint dry, while atomic bombs and drunken bar fights are happening down the block. Would you rather I discuss the set ups in the trannies, or talk about JOHN FUCKING HARWOOD and his homosexual proclivities towards JOHN PODESTA? This is all very classic stuff for me.

there’s a penis on this chart

Also, might I add, iBC is my sole concern now. I threw away that annoying 7 figure occupation that I had for 18 years and decided to talk to the people, full time. There’s a chaotic honor in that. I’ve been blessed with the gift to create great prose, a genetic advantage of mine — being that I am a direct descendent of a world class writer.

Pardon my superfluities. I have a penchant for becoming obsessed with things. I’ve gone through fixations that have lasted years, like the time I quit coffee for earl grey tea, or the time I only listened to classical music, or 1940s jazz, or reading every classic piece of literature ever made, or reading random essays by the greats, or watching more than 500 movies for two years in a row, or stocks, algorithms, financial tools, writing blogs, smoking pipes and learning about tobacco, martinis, watches, balsamic fucking vinegar, high end extra virgin olive oil, the art of coffee, fitness, bio-hacking, acquiring wealth, acquiring clients, firing clients, reading and collecting old newspapers and first edition books, watching documentaries and biopics, astrology, horticulture, architecture, the robber barons, wine — the list goes on and on and on.

I am not your ordinary finance writer, so don’t expect me to behave in a conventional method. I am here to win the culture wars, in the most heinous of fashions.

Plus anyway, have you seen the traffic charts for some of the finance sites out there? Absolutely dreadful.


In about a fortnight, the election will be over and the markets will begin to cascade lower — as the H. Clinton regime prepares to seize power. All of the nuclear missiles in Vlad Putin’s arsenal will be shined up and fueled — readying to depart for US of A (extra Borat). As a planetary species, we probably have like 6 months left before the roaches take over, so pardon me as I indulge myself in the election of a lifetime — the all-time match between the orange pussy grabbing clown versus the head on a stick balloon gawker — a political carnivale hastened and fortified by hacked emails and the most egregious under cover videos the world has ever seen.


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  1. the_swatter

    the problem with an high IQ is it sadly is accompanied by low as fuk EQ (emotional quotient)…. at 178 IQ i had a lifelong EQ of something approaching the extreme left-side tail of the bell…… why do mention this? well, think about it….

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  2. the_swatter

    ps, if ghost resonates, the caretaker shines the cue :


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  3. metalleg

    “I’ve been blessed with the gift to create great prose, a genetic advantage of mine.”

    True that!

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  4. arnoldsimage

    Hillary’s Parkinson’s… https://youtu.be/Zr1IDQ2V1eM

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  5. helicopter money

    I just wanna MAGA and gold go to the moon when we see Brexit type moves everywhere forever when the swamp is drained.

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  6. helicopter money

    Malik Obama received Barack Obama’s pay to play check! https://twitter.com/ObamaMalik/status/790345820197429248

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  7. it is showtime

    This sounds like Showtime circa 2013, minus knowing the reason stocks were manipulated was for the next election

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  8. bountyhunter1

    US an A !

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  9. john_galt

    You’re the King of your castle and free to say whatever you want within your own kingdom.

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  10. juice

    right on Fly … I cannot say this enough, and thank you

    also JOHN FUCKING HARWOOD should be heretofore referred to, as Zero Hedge pointed out, JOHN FUCKING HARDWOOD for, fill in the blank, Hillary, Podesta, et al.

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  11. uglyflint

    Just vote for the orange man. Then hope for the best and kiss your ass goodbye.

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  12. it is showtime

    -As if- these baseless and conjured futures aren’t being made to blow out shorts at the open

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  13. jesse j

    I have always enjoyed coming to your site because your point of view on markets and the financial community was fresh and independent.
    Unfortunately you have lost that in your “coverage” on the elections. I understand you want Trump to win and that´s fine but I don´t need to read another website that trys to tell me that Clinton is manipulating the world and rigging the elections just like I don´t need another website to tell me that Trump is a monster and hell is upon us if he wins.
    The interesting would be to cut through all the crap of the right wing and left wing media and pseudo analysis and offer something else than what just confirms what the right wing/left wing reader base already believes.

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  14. Dr. Fly

    Indiscernible gibberish

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  15. gsofield

    The site is perfect mix of all things necessary. Trolls are abound on the internet.
    You mentioned classical music. Do you have an all time favorite symphony or composer? If I could only listen to one piece it would be Shostakovich’s #10.

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  16. chuck bennett

    Jesse J

    Hello Friend.
    Just in case you haven’t notice. There is no left and right. Don’t expect feed back when you speak uneducated nonsense. The left, the neoconservative , and big business(old right) have aligned to a side which is not left nor right. They are on the side that will further their evil causes.

    The people be dammed.


    Chuck Bennett

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    • cascadia

      This is not that controversial a stance, and I agree- the left and right are more homogenous than the MSM media portrays.
      The issue is that Trump with his bully pulpit and incendiary tactics, are not the solution. He is a man solely looking out for himself, under the guise of fighting for the middle man. Everything out of his mouth is a complete lie, indiscernible, or lacking any substance. His leadership style is to berate others, obfuscate the truth, and light discerners on fire.
      He is a far more dangerous man than we have seen at this level in any of our lifetimes. I’d rather give the oval office keys to a mountain goat.
      It will be a proud day for all Americans to banish the racist, misogynistic, bully to the fringe of KKK supporters and militia men.

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  17. freebie

    When this is over Trump is going to be a complete loser. Loser of election by a landslide, plus failing businesses. Do you think his customers in business are these toothless rednecks at his rallies? Not a chance – his customers are leaving him in droves – he will be bankrupts again by the end of 2017.

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  18. i Bergamot

    Without kissing ass, I think, the fly is the BEST financial writer out there . period.

    The traffic is falling everywhere because most of fin sites are a complete fucking scam, led by the street and its kind, plus people are getting poorer with less disposable income. I helped numerous friends and relatives to close their 401k and ira’s, because they need the money, not because ‘markets are rigged’ or some such horseshit.

    I wanted a place in Peanut Gallery to show people that money can be made methodically and relatively stress-free.
    I wanted to publish here, exploiting fly’s fame, oa’s prowess and raul’s persistence (sorry RC – I don’t know much about what you do) – to gain readership and make some money off subscriptions.
    I wanted to become a part of ibc, hoping that some of its greatness will rub-off on me – I do believe this is one of the best sites of its kind…

    But you gave space to frog…

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  19. brvalentine

    “They’re all neocons, all the time, all the way.” “They’re savage criminals”


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