18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
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Forex Markets in Flux, Stocks Tumble

The never ending fear of the Fed has FX markets in a constant flux, which then spills over into stocks — causing great pain and agony. The entire world is undergoing QE, yet for some reason our Fed keeps threatening to hike rates. But they never do.

The pound is getting killed again and the dollar is reigning supreme over the euro. Dollar strength will become an issue for our benevolent multi nationals and emerging markets — should the trend continue.

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Eighty five percent of stocks are lower today, with defensive stocks being somewhat of a safe haven. The issue with this market, the primary cause for my concern since 2014, is the violent manner of the squalls. You can work really hard for a year, picking the right stocks and doing good, and then lose it all in T + 3.

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  1. roundwego

    a dollar in your hand, is a dollar. dollar in someone else’s hand is dangerous.

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    • metalleg

      Since you wrote that comment, the dollar in your hand is now worth $0.98.

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      • roundwego

        remember the post on why 95.5 was so important back in sept. when it broke out then retested then took off on the daily chart. but also was a triangle breakout on weekly chart. now confirmed.

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        • roundwego

          we are talking about a breakout from consolidation that started at start of 2015!

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  2. roundwego

    all those likely democratic voters that sold out main stream media is projecting, includes millennials that voted for obama in the last election and who now support uncle bernie. are either going to sit out or do a revenge vote as susan will do. and I would so do her.


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  3. roundwego

    if liberals and hollywood are anything they are holier than thou. the far left that they expect, will crucify hillary.


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  4. roundwego

    picture is worth a thousand words. bill’s reaction is pure meme gold.


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  5. fryguy15

    Stairs up / evelator shaft down has been the pattern for a very long time.

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  6. Marc David

    Love a strong dollar. Great airline deals and makes international travel really nice. I hope it continues so I can pretend to be a jetsetter.

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  7. peso trader

    Will the Bank of England defend the pound? Is there even a remote possibility they bump up their rate?

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  8. mensch

    I can’t really believe the Fed could hike in the face of such low/negative rates across the world. Dr. Fly is constantly pointing out the insanity of a country like Italy having lower yields than Treasuries and this would only exacerbate this nonsense.
    I don’t think the market buys this shit either. The rise in the dollar is a flight to quality, but more to the quality of the US military and our relative distance from the truly fucked places in the world; think Ukraine, Syria (if Hill wins, Assad is bombed the next day), Libya, Southern Europe, East Asia. All of these places are in or on the brink of either a trade or shooting war and this eventuality only strengthens the greenback.

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