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Turkey Warns America: Turn Over Gulen or We’ll Hate You

Erdogan wants his arch enemy, who happens to live in Pennsylvania. To get him, the United States must extradite him. It would be very nice for Mr. Gulen to volunteer to travel back to Turkey. However, being that Erdogan wants him dead, it’s not likely to occur.

Turkey has demanded we hand over Gulen, or else…

“There is a serious anti-American feeling in Turkey, and this is turning into hatred,” Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag said in an interview with state-run Anadolu Agency, broadcast live on Turkish television channels. “It is in the hands of the United States to stop this anti-American feeling leading to hatred.”

“Whether the U.S. extradites Gulen or not this will be a political decision,” Bozdag said. “If he is not extradited, Turkey will have been sacrificed for a terrorist.”

“That terrorist leader will come to Turkey and pay for what he did. We will hold him accountable for the blood of our martyrs and veterans,” Yildirim told a meeting of his ruling Islamist-rooted AK Party in parliament.

“That religious, impudent, lying, bloody murdering nothing will be surely held accountable.”

Hate away, fuckers.

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  1. Marc David

    I just got a cheap flight alert to Turkey. Maybe best to pass on this and head to overpriced Hawaii?

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  2. stockslueth

    Great, more hate at our expense. Have a nice day dishonest Turkish leaders.

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  3. ericbakerbruce

    This Saturday’s Cinema with The Fly should be Midnight Express.

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  4. superb

    Coups Arranged or Backed by the USA
    Year Country Reason Given Actual Reason
    1949 Syria Communism Elected government against USA political interests and pro-Palestinian.
    1949 Greece Communism Elected government against USA political and economic interests.
    1952 Cuba None Elected government against USA business interests.
    1953 Iran None Elected government against USA oil interests.
    1953 British Guyana None Access to sugar and bauxite.
    1954 Guatemala Communism Elected government against USA business interests.
    1955 South Vietnam Communism French backed leader replaced by USA backed leader.
    1957 Haiti Haiti is near the USA Previous government against USA business interests.
    1958 Laos None Pro-USA government wanted.
    1959 Laos None Pro-USA government wanted.
    1960 South Korea Communism Previous leader not strong enough for USA.
    1960 Laos None Pro-USA government wanted.
    1960 Ecuador Communism Previous government too independent in foreign policy.
    1963 Dominican Republic Business Interests Elected government against USA business interests.
    1963 South Vietnam None Previous leader’s policies led to televised suicides.
    1963 Honduras Communism Pro-USA government and access to resources.
    1963 Guatemala Communism Military government was about to allow elections.
    1963 Ecuador None Elected government too independent.
    1964 Brazil Communism Access to resources and cheap labour.
    1964 Bolivia Communism Previous government too independent in foreign policy.
    1965 Zaire None Access to cobalt, copper and diamonds.
    1966 Ghana None Previous government too independent in foreign policy.
    1967 Greece None Military bases.
    1970 Cambodia None Previous king against USA political interests.
    1970 Bolivia None Country took ownership of its oil and tin.
    1972 El Salvador Communism Elected leader against USA business interests.
    1973 Chile Communism Elected government against USA business interests.
    1975 Australia None Elected government had unsuitable foreign policy.
    1979 South Korea None Pro-USA government wanted.
    1980 Liberia Democracy Pro-USA government wanted.
    1982 Chad None Pro-USA government wanted.
    1983 Grenada Democracy Pro-USA government wanted.
    1987 Fiji Democracy Previous elected government supported nuclear-free Pacific.
    2002 Venezuela None Disagreed with foreign policy of elected government.
    2004 Haiti Fraudulent elections Disagreed with economic policy of elected government.
    2009 Honduras Attempted to Change Constitution Disagreed with economic and foreign policy of elected government.

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  5. superb

    ‘Responsible for terrorism in Turkey’: Men try to ‘sack’ US soldier at air base

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  6. heaterman

    Ol’ Hill will hand him off like a hot potato the minutes she gets behind the desk in the oval office.
    Turkey has probably promised to make a contribution to the Clinton Foundation.

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