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Madness: Father of Orlando Terrorist Seated Directly Behind Hillary at Rally

I promised not to do politics, but this is too much. Explain to me how this is smart politics for #TeamHillary? Are they this crazy to seat the Father of the terrorist who committed the Orlando nightclub killings directly behind their candidate at an Orlando rally, who then later held up a pro Hillary, gun control, sign?

Why, I believe they are.

This shit makes no sense.

Gun control.

It’s worth noting, this piece of human refuse supports the Taliban and believes God will punish gays.


It’s a Democratic party so everybody can enjoy,” he said, when asked why he decided to attend the rally. “Why should they be surprised, I love the United States.”

Party, party.

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  1. Marc David

    Hard to believe this is real anymore. I don’t trust anything I read or see anymore. All of it is staged. Even more so than in past decades.

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  2. infinitezuul

    Very staged, but why? To paper over Trump’s economic speech/plan? To try and bait Trump into producing more soundbites that can be twisted to sound racist?

    I mean… The guy has a YouTube channel filled with rants about the need to support the Taliban and how women/gays are not people, as well as other hardcore Islamist stuff.

    This reeks of desperation.

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  3. dcolella15

    100% this is bait for Mr. Trump. Hope he doesn’t take it… Or he takes it and does something great.

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  4. hattery

    So if it’s bait for Trump, Trump will be able to say something like:

    Hillary and Obama are the party of Terrorism. Obama visits the hometown of Omar & his father She gives the AQI arms before they become ISIS. Obama ignores Leon Panetta and Robert Gates to withdraw troops before the election creating a vacuum after killing Gadaffi the lone remaining force to keep the terrorists in check. Hillary serves as director of company that gave money to ISIS according to wikileaks… Obama has 400M that every president before him since Jimmy Carter has declined to give to Iran show up on the doorstep the day hostages are released. Obama has set Iran on pace to obtain a nuclear weapon over the next 10 years with his deal, a country that ritualistically chants “death to America”…

    What’s the response? Does Hillary know of certain business dealings that Trump made that have ties to terrorist organizations as well? Is Hillary looking to discredit every single attack all at once by ridiculing Trump as not a serious candidate for making such absurd allegations (whether or not they have some truth to it or not, to low information voter they sound like baseless allegations)?

    Or is she just trolling Trump after the attack on the Khan family knowing that this is the time after attacking a “gold star” family where Trump lacks credibility and either won’t go after her, or that Trump eventually will anyways, so might as well get the attacks out of the way while Trump lacks the credibility to hit as firmly as he otherwise would in a month or two as people move on and forget.

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  5. braveflaps

    You’re all way off – that’s Juan Valdez, the Columbian “coffee” guy.

    Hillary is sending a subliminal message to coke fiends everywhere.

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    • ironbird

      Exactly. They had no idea who he was. Just a ethnic dude that actually showed up. This is not complicated. Progressive bubble ignorance.

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  6. speedius

    My son shoot people, I shoot selfies behind future president. What a country!

    Looked staged to me as well. Puts red hat on precisely as she is mentioning the shooting.

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  7. heaterman

    …and it’s been said Trump is the one with mental problems… ?

    The truly sad fact about all these sound bites and staged appearances is that over half our population is stupid enough to fall for it.


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  8. boyaj

    How is it that Hilary’s campaign people had no idea he was there until they were told this? You’d imagine there would be some sort of check in list; I’ve never been to one of these rallies but I can’t imagine it’s like walking into your local Starbucks. Also, top notch work by her security detail… The entire 2016 election campaign, for both sides, has gotten to the point where I am convinced that establishment Republicans and Democrats are much more alike than different, if not the same.

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  9. t.c.

    This is so weird it should be in a Twilight Zone episode.

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