18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
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The Market is Pricing in Zero Rate Hikes for the Next Year

Everything makes sense, with exception to the fact that the market doesn’t give a shit about the economy. It refuses to cede any real gains, as it pertains to chances of a Fed rare hike.

Yesterday, the chances of a September hike was 9%. Today it doubled, but only 18%. The chances for a December hike are just 40%. As a matter of fact, the market is pricing in zero rate hikes for the next year.




The dollar is still up big, commodities down, stocks up.

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  1. sethster99

    255,000 new temporary and part time jobs. What could be better? Everything points to a slowdown, but companies are hiring like mad.

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  2. trumpmeister

    There will be one rate hike. It will be in December after they rig the election for Crooked Hillary.

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  3. alty

    The frustration and disbelief that is apparent in your comment sections will be the kerosene on the flames of this rally.

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  4. uglyflint

    Safest time in history to be long. This market will never go down until Crooked Hill gives yellen the all clear after the election.

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  5. heckler

    The market is rigged. The election is rigged.

    TLT has a floor. Trump has a floor.

    But they’re both loooosers (sic) from here

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  6. og

    Does saying the election is rigged make Trump fans feel better? Lol

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  7. chuck bennett

    I’m sure it makes Bernie fans feel angry. No doubt the same for Trump fans


    Chuck Bennett

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