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EEOC To Rule on Whether or Not ‘Don’t Tread on Me Flag’ is Racist and Should be Banned from Workplace

You’re all having a splendid day. I figured this might make you feel a little better to know that ugly revolutionary ‘snake flag’ is going to be cast out from Americana.

Next up, ban pictures of George Washington.

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  1. ConManipulation


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  2. t.c.

    Lol. The social justice warriors are out of control. In the 1960s they were heros, today they are crybabies.


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  3. thomasjefferson

    I find most of your posts in this vein to be pretty annoying, but I’m with you on this.

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  4. stockslueth

    Good, I thought George looked a little bit shady. Along with all those other founding fathers. Never-mind that my wife is John Hancock’s 2nd cousin 8 times removed.

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  5. cancel19

    Wondering when will the New Civil War break out. I believe the time is nigh.

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    • t.c.

      I don’t there would ever be another war. It would simply be done by vote next time. The west recognizes the right to self determination now.

      I don’t think that this happens anytime soon if ever, although, the transgender bathroom stuff pushes that button more than anything I have ever seen.

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      • moosh

        Agree, although an interesting phrase I listened to today was, the closer we live to persons the more socialistic we become. So, do the coasts converge on flyover country?

        And what’s going on in transgender bathroom world now? Last I saw on the topic was on South park.

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    • ironbird

      That is an easy one. The day Hillary wins. Does not take a smart person to realize the lying crooked witch has at best 35% of the population. Could be wrong.

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  6. t.c.

    That’s an interesting phrase, I hadn’t heard it. Could be that for sure.

    I don’t know what’s going on with transgender bathrooms, but I think we will see a whole bunch of states will intentionally and officially disobey the federal government on this. Just my guess, but if it happens, it will be the first time anything close to that has happened since Brown v Board of Education where the Army escorted bl@ck kids to school in Arkansas.

    I don’t think the liberals have the moral high ground on this one like they did back in the 1950s.


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