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Russia Accuses the U.S. of Backing ‘Animals’ Using Chemical Weapons in Syria

It’s s slow news day, so I figured a little world war 3 saber rattling might be of interest to you.

As the war in Syria wades on and the ‘rebels’ we back cut off the head of 10 year olds and then post it on social media sites, Russia is trying to support the secular Assad, who is also an animal in his own right, in an effort to restore balance and remove the fucking caliphate from Syrian soil.

In the meantime, the ‘rebels’ are using chemical weapons against civilians without warning and Russia is making it known.

Zakharova criticized the United States over an incident the Russian military said occurred on Aug. 2 in eastern Aleppo when rebels used poison gas, killing at least seven people.

She blamed the Free Syrian Army’s Nour al Din al-Zinki group for what she said was a crime. The same group, which has received U.S. military backing, said last month it was investigating the beheading of a young child in Aleppo after video footage circulated showing the boy being killed by a man whom activists identified as a member of the group.

“The United States is supporting these animals who used poison gas against the civilian population,” Zakharova wrote.

“Unfortunately it’s not the only tragedy which the ‘moderates’ backed by Washington stand behind.”

“The United States and the SDF are not taking any steps to warn people to avoid deaths,” she said, saying that U.S and coalition aircraft had killed hundreds and wounded thousands of civilians according to “conservative estimates.”

“If our Western colleagues and above all Washington do everything again not to notice these facts then any of their talk about an end to bloodshed in Syria will simply become preposterous,” wrote Zakharova

Upwards of 200,000 people have been killed in Syria since the beginning of their war, leading to a flood of migrants, estimated between 1-3 million, into Europe.

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  1. metalleg

    This will get no mention on the main stream news.

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  2. Marc David

    But Obama said this was a red line? Apparently it was crossed long ago. Maybe red is the new yellow?

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  3. doubleplus

    Total body count is a contentious number, but likely over 400,000. Humanitarian crisis of our lifetime.

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  4. bountyhunter1

    And they say Trump is a loose cannon ….

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  5. ironbird

    400 million more reasons this shit will never end. We are screwed.

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  6. juice

    Hillary for more nation building!

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