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BOOM: Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow Models Suggest Third Quarter Growth to be 3.7%

No one knows what Donald Trump is talking about, in regard to the economy. We’re all balling hard these days, driving around in stretched limousines. The Atlana Fed is now forecasting Q3 growth to be at 3.7%, up from the peasantry pace of 1.2% ‘enjoyed’ in Q2.

It’s all very sublime really, decadent even. On the news of these numbers, the Fed is on hold from hiking rates because of severe headwinds in the economy, based around its people. To be clear, the little people who shop at malls are somewhat bedraggled, in the Roman slave sense. But everyone else has their personal assistants stocking the pantry with black truffles for summer soirées. It’s very important that you understand these ‘dichotomies’, in order to more aptly appreciate the gravity of the situation.

Earlier today, the BOE implemented more QE, including corporate debt, to harden itself from the many plagues that loom.

As an aside, US earnings have been flat to down for 5 consecutive quarters.

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  1. kugar


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  2. helicopter ben

    News was going around that Obama never had a 3% GDP growth year during his presidency so GDP the next two quarters will come in at 5% yoy to cement Obama as the greatest president ever.

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  3. ConManipulation


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  4. awanka

    A boolish spark was forming within the Fly’s great soul.

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