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After Three Months of Punishment, the VIX Escapes Crazytown and Is Loose

In what can only be described as the single worst investment vehicle in the history of the markets, the volatility index is raging higher today, following three straight months of deleterious decline.


Here are today’s ETF winners, courtesy of Exodus.


Conversely, the single best investment has been to bet against the VIX, via XIV. These small little respites for the VIX have proven, over time, to be transitory (extra Yellen). However, every 3-6 months or so, we get a fucking market scare for the ages, which forces every asshole into puts–in turn sending the VIX higher.

I avoid trading it like the plague.

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  1. Marc David

    The Ginger Man

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  2. bwana

    Other than that one time…

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