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Travel Advisory Issued For Florida: Pregnant Women Should Avoid Miami

Fourteen new cases of Zika have been reported in Miami, which is causing officials in that city to panic. The Governor of Florida, Rick Scott, has officially asked the CDC for emergency assistance.

“We may well see other infections in that area,” CDC Director Tom Frieden said during a conference call with reporters where he issued the warning. The CDC has sent an emergency team to the state to assist in efforts to fight the virus, and Frieden said that pregnant women who have been in the area after June 15 should talk to a doctor and get tested.

Florida Department of Health officials said Monday they’ve identified at least 14 cases of Zika in Miami that were transmitted by mosquito. They’re the first known cases of local mosquito transmission in the U.S., where most cases have been traced to travel outside the country. The state said that all of the known transmissions are thought to have occurred in an area of Miami about a square mile in size.

The virus can cause birth defects when pregnant women become infected, though most adults have only mild symptoms, if they know they’re sick at all. The CDC recommended that women who’ve visited the area not get pregnant for 8 weeks after returning.

There isn’t a cure for Zika, or even a treatment. Investors seem hopeful that XON can come up with something and have been bidding the stock up. INO is another play. On the downside are the airlines. Who the fuck wants to travel to Florida now?

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  1. en1gma

    We should build a wall to keep Floridians out.

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