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Graphic Footage of Terrorist Gunning Down Dallas Officer

Both scourges of the earth have been taken alive. This should make for a most interesting media circus-like aura around their trials.

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  1. heaterman

    I hope they both get Freddie Grayed…..

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    • bexpo

      Heaterman: Saying something as racially insensitive as that, shows you really don’t get it.

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      • frog

        You’re right about this one, bexpo. Freddie Gray was arrested by the Baltimore Police Department for possessing what the police alleged was an illegal switchblade. And they killed him. Freddie Gray didn’t injure or kill anyone. To “Freddie Gray” someone would be to kill a perfectly innocent man.

        The people who killed and injured Dallas police are guilty of a terrible crime. If those criminals are killed, it will not be anything at all like the Freddie Gray situation.

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    • The Maven

      @Heaterman. You should have said “Michael Browned”. You know, the vicious thug who Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton mentioned just in the last week. The one who attacked a police officer, the one who never had his “hands up”. The one shot dead by Hero Cop Darren Wilson.

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  2. tmoe

    I’m going g buy ar 15 tomorrow

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  3. psychnerd

    Sorry I missed the earlier posts about police officers shooting two 2 innocent AA men in a 36 hour period.

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    • frog

      See my post above in response to bexpo.

      I guess it makes the world seem simpler for some people to believe that everything is black and white, with black bad and white good– both racially and in other ways. But it does not make the world simpler. It makes more pain for more people.

      Sometimes innocent people are killed. Whether those innocent people are police trying to do their job, or AA guys walking down the street, it’s wrong to kill innocent people– no matter what color the innocent person is.

      And sometimes criminals who have done great harm are brought to justice. And when that happens, it is still justice, no matter what color the criminals are.

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