18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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This imbecile will give her semi annual speech today, describing why she prefers Werthers butterscotch candies over Andies mints. Also, she might need to cut the speech short today, as it is rumored she has a podiatrist appointment that needs to be attended.

Yellen inherited a strong, alpha bank, and made it beardless. Her lack of leadership has turned the world’s leading central bank into a mockery, one that is chided and derided at dinner tables worldwide.

“Hello father, may you please pass the mashed potatoes. They rather remind me Janet Yellen’s head.”

“Good one son. Don’t forget to sprinkle some extra pepper on your Yellen mashed potatoes to give her a Bernanke beard. Aye me laddie, I somewhat miss that old bearded bastard.”

“Me too papa.”

Futures are higher but selling off, as WTI sinks into a fucking black hole into oblivion, now off by almost 2%.

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  1. infinitezuul

    Baffle with BS continues. She will no doubt talk about how strong the economy is, despite Bullard’s dots and Esther’s lack of dissent.

    Janet and Esther control the world.

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  2. active shooter

    I don’t know what she will talk about today……….but at the very least, I hope she reveals how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop……..

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  3. frog

    Being or acting alpha is overrated. It works for some purposes, not for others. Actually probably no one in the current world except aborigines and other people who live in nature like their ancestors did thousands of years ago, is actually alpha. They’re not so truly strong or quick witted that they could survive alone in the wilderness for very long. People who live in the modern world can only be pretend alphas, at most– pounding their chests and shouting to seem bigger than they are.

    What the Fed is doing is obviously working, alpha or not. They apparently want the market to trade within a range, neither skyrocketing nor plunging. The market has been doing that for a long time now. Maybe the Fed is speaking softly and carrying a big stick– or a small stick, as the case may be.

    Since this works, they are not going to fix it.

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    • formergeek

      Lay off the meds will ya

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      • frog

        Maybe you ought to be the one taking some meds. Do you know that being negative, irritable and critical without good reason can be a sign of depression> Ask your Dr. if anti-depressants are right for you.

        Perhaps if you took some, you would be confident enough to risk giving an opinion about the Fed yourself, instead of just criticizing someone else like me, who took the risk of giving my own opinion.

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        • formergeek

          Do you know you have diarrhea of the virtual mouth? The only good thing about this election year is we can look forward to you returning to the swamp when it is over

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        • frog

          As I said, you can’t seem to express yourself in any other way than being critical and insulting.

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  4. awanka

    You’ve amassed quite a prodigious collection of unflattering images of Yellen, Mr. Fly.

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  5. trumpmeister

    Nobody gives a damn about the Yellen and the FED. If anything, the market has been very kind to Yellen and her kinds. She hasn’t been tested with a plunging market and a real crisis yet.

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  6. javiergoldstein

    Is she really going to miss the red hat society monthly luncheon for this???

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