18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Risk Assets Drop Precipitously, in a Quiet, Do Nothing, Afternoon Session

As markets hug the unch line, a wide array of stocks, like BILL ACKMAN’S PHARMACEUTICAL SHOPPE , VRX, are getting Clubber Lang’d against the ropes.

Inside of Exodus, which many of you were just privy to, my Bubble Basket is getting obliterated, off by 1.7%–thanks in large part to the drop in biotechs.



Look at those YTD losses in some of those stocks, out-fucking-rageous. We should expect this type of market up until and after the BREXIT vote. As you see by the action, this referendum is the ultimate bear p0rn. Fear mongers, such as myself, have never had it this good. We can shake you in your boots, menacing you with visions of global tragedy, all dependent upon a public opinion referendum, which will be cast by a lot of uneducated fools. It’s deliciously diabolical.

If I was long, I’d be pissed off by the barrage of interference and red herrings.

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