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Cashin: The Fed is Lost; ‘Yellen is Helpless’

Arthur Cashin from the marinated ice cubed terminal at CNBC expresses his dismay in Janet Yellen’s idiotic speech, whereby she was intellectually naked to the world and it was a hideous site.

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  1. Marc David

    Art came from a time when if you stood in front of a crowd naked, people said “hey, you’re naked!”

    Today you stand in front of a crowd naked and everybody is talking about your splendid clothes.

    Art sees nudity when everybody else sees good times and beautiful pearl necklaces.

    He’s old school. Needs to retire and go play Club Penguin with the grandkids.

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    • bushwacker2

      Hey Cashin may be old school/old guard but deserves respect. He eats like a grown man, bringing the banana to his face, not his face to the banana like some gay boy.

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    • pb

      You are right and you are wrong. The illusions which you rightfully point out as now prevalent, will end. When, that is the only question left.

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  2. frog

    The Fed, by playing Good Cop Bad Cop, has kept the market trading within a range, without dangerously plunging or skyrocketing, for a very long time now. We should all be so helpless– as to have that much success at our endeavors.

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