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Trump and The Pope Spar Over Walls, Who’s More Christian etc.

Perhaps Pope Francis will endorse Hillary Clinton next?

For me, the best thing about Donald J. Trump is the fact that so many people seem to hate him. It’s odd, especially since he’s way ahead in all of the polls.

It’s almost like a real life government-media conspiracy unfolding before our eyes.

The Pope weighs in, ahead of a hotly contested S. Carolina primary, filled with very religious voters.

In a freewheeling conversation on his flight home from a visit to Mexico, Francis told reporters, “A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.”

Trump, a real estate developer and former reality TV star, said, “If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS’s ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been president,” Trump said in a speech in Kiawah Island, South Carolina, using an acronym for the Islamic State militant group.

“For a religious leader to question a person’s faith is disgraceful. I am proud to be a Christian and as president I will not allow Christianity to be consistently attacked and weakened,” Trump said.

“No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man’s religion or faith,” Trump said.

“The pope is a very political person. I think he doesn’t understand the problems our country has. I don’t think he understands the danger of the open border that we have with Mexico,” Trump told the Fox Business Network.

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  1. tradercaddy

    I would guess that SC has plenty more Baptists than Catholics.
    In any event most are fleeing the kind of socialist crap holes that the Pope advocates (and just about all have failed including most of his beloved Latin America).
    I say tear down the Vatican walls and let the Islamic hoards move in.
    Now, that would be really Christian.

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  2. dcolella15

    “It’s almost like a real life government-media conspiracy unfolding before our eyes”

    Well put! It is truly amazing to see the sheer hatred portrayed by the media, right and left mind you, when the polls clearly show favoritism. Propaganda at its best, and worst.

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  3. matt_bear

    Trump is a brilliant man….there’s a reason why he floated the idea for the 2012 election and decided against. He knew the temperature of the water wasn’t quite right yet, but now it is. The people in this country are done with the establishment and their bullcrap. Sanders being the leading Dem is more proof of that.

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  4. stockslueth

    It’s the price we pay for being the shining city on a hill.

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  5. frog

    The things I like about Trump are that he is highly entertaining, and that he could never win a general election, so I don’t have to worry about that. Lots of people love him. Lots of people hate him. And there aren’t enough that love him to elect him.

    I’d be surprised if he got the GOP nomination either, as the GOP Powers That Be hate him. But if he does, that’s great news for Hillary or Bernie. I don’t find it odd that the GOP Powers That Be hate him. The GOP loves presidential candidates who speak in canned GOP talking points. And candidates who take orders well, like W, and like Reagan who had brain damage while in office but no one even noticed. The Donald is a loose canon candidate. The better to entertain us all.

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  6. juice

    love the Trump & his fear of no power

    hey Popey, tear down those (Vatican) walls ! 🙂


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  7. traderconfessions

    Trump’s popularity brilliantly reveals that a meaningful proportion of Americans are morons and the religious right is unprincipled. Gotta love it.

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  8. gapfiller

    Not only does the Pope not care about the open border with Mexico, he’s all for it. His interests aren’t aligned with those of the U.S. Any thinking person knows this, which is not to say all South Carolina primary voters will.

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    • traderconfessions

      I read a statistic that more Mexicans are leaving US than entering as a result of so many companies building factories south of border. The whole discussion about deporting 12 million or more Illegals is ridiculous on so many levels.

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      • fxtradex6

        I believe it was Pew Research. They estimated that we lost 100,000 back to Mexico. It’s supposedly been a trend also. And the numbers stated are off. 11 million Mexicans, 5 million of which are illegal. The rest are legal.

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      • frog

        Even if we had no Illegal Mexicans at all, the GOP would have to make them up– to make up a reason why jobs are disappearing. No politician wants to admit the uncomfortable truth– that the revered corporate donors to politicians’ campaigns have outsourced tons of jobs to Asia.

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      • frog

        The whole illegal issue is just to use as an excuse for why jobs are disappearing. It’s just to cover up the fact that jobs are actually disappearing due to corporations outsourcing them overseas. Republican candidates son’t want to turn down the donations that those corporations make. So they blame the losses of jobs on illegal aliens.

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  9. levrage

    Well, I think maybe the Pope crossed a line. And then Trump pissed on it.

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  10. frog

    If we had no Illegal Mexicans here, GOP politicians would have to make them up– to make up a reason why jobs are disappearing. No politician wants to admit the uncomfortable truth– that the revered corporate donors to politicians’ campaigns have outsourced tons of jobs to Asia.

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  11. uglyflint

    I’m Catholic and outraged by this ex bar room punk bouncer. New World Order plant. They’re not even pretending anymore. Out in the open for the world to see.

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    • traderconfessions

      Love conspiracy-theorists. The dim-wit world is so fascinating. How do you make it through the day without your head exploding? Is it true aliens killed Scalia?

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      • uglyflint

        Hillary wants you to stop by tonight. Looking for a lacky to keep her company.

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  12. zerosum

    Trump is an actor. Also a spendthrift heir pretending to be an actual businessman. If he’d done nothing but maintain the 14,000 apartments his racist asshole of a father left him, his net worth would be almost triple what is is today (what it really is, not what he says it is).

    His goal is to put Hillary C. in the White House by obliterating the opposition party and he’s succeeding brilliantly. If you really think he’s even half serious, go check out his lifetime political contributions record. He call the GOP “too far to the right” in 1999.

    You are lucky to be alive. You are witnessing the single greatest performance in American show business history.

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    • frog

      Interesting theory. I don’t see Trump as an playing a part for the purpose of helping Clinton to get to the White House. I think he will end up doing that, but unintentionally. Trump isn’t the kind of guy who helps someone else to power. He’s all for himself and thinks the entire country and world is all about him. He doesn’t even realizing he’s obliterating the party he’s running in.

      It’s true that he could just as easily have picked the Democratic party to run in. But he had to pick one, and he picked GOP. He’s really not a party guy but very much an individual– one who is very entertaining, authentic in his absurdity, not diplomatic in any way, and not presidential in the least. We may as well enjoy the show and see what crazy thing he says next.

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      • zerosum

        There’s at least some evidence that Bill put him up to it. If he really wanted to win, he’d start showing some restrain,t as he absolutely needs more than the insane 25% to win; something near 70% of women won’t vote for him, period. But he just keeps doubling down on the crazy, because his goal is to give the GOP absolutely nowhere to hide. The Koch brothers are so screwed. All that money and this is what they get for it.

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  13. probucks

    Doesn’t the Pope preach that unborn babies go to Hell?

    or was that part revised when Catholics decided to try and “re-market” Catholicism by accepting the gays?

    Funny how the mouth-piece of the Lord consistently reworks “what God means” to fit the social norm…

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