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Stocks Futures Indicating the Bear is Coming

The Iowa caucuses are over and so is any glimmer of hope for a normal stock market.

Dow futures are sharply lower. France is having its gateau eaten for it and oil, naturally, is at the epicenter of it all.



Oh and an admitted socialist won last night’s Iowa caucuses.

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  1. bexpo

    Good Morning! Well off to the races – let’s see where market takes AAPL & the banks & biotech…and GOOGL to the moon.

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  2. tradercaddy

    Glad Iowa is over and now it can go back to being just another Flyover State.
    Just read that over 90% of Iowa college students voted for Sanders. Very funny as I suspect they like his idea of free college in hopes the grumpy guy will make others pay for their student loans in B.S. studies (and I don’t mean the sciences).
    Reminded me when I was in college and I voted in my first election.
    I too voted for a leftist Marxist- George McGovern. As soon as I heard he was going to “give” everybody $500 (just because) then he was my guy.

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  3. dschnei6

    I wonder if anyone that voted for Sanders has ever heard of Venezuela?

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