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Goldman Sachs is Contributing Heavily to Republicans

Wall Street is leaning heavy to the GOP this election season, mainly due to Dodd-Frank, which took away Goldman Sach’s ability to bank huge coin. Thus far, many of the donations went to the Bush dynasty, like morons. If Trump wins, all of their money will be flushed down the republican toilet, as The Donald is hugely belligerent towards the GOP, China and Wall Street in general.

On the DNC side, Morgan Stanley are huge Hillary fans.


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  1. frog

    Morgan Stanley knows how to bet on a winner in this race. No one else but GS wants another President Bush. That’s for sure. Trump is unpredictable enough that people with power or money– or sense even– do not want him. So they will find a way to keep him from getting the nomination somehow.

    There is no Republican who can beat Hillary. So maybe Right Wingers should donate to Bernie– since the Republican nominee would likely stand a better chance going against Bernie than against Hillary. They might support him for the Dem nomination. Then they might turn on him once he gets the nomination and call him a Communist– which he is obviously not, but Americans are very gullible & easily frightened without reason.

    Voters all hate Congress. You would think that someone else from another planet flew down here and elected them, instead of the American voters– who elected them and now hate them.

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    • sweetbillyv

      Lol, frog…I think you need to remind yourself where you live. The entire country in all levels of govt have turned mostly red.

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