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Gartman vs Pickens: Pickens is Wrong; New Lows Ahead for Crude Oil

Dennis Gartman, obviously feeling his oats for making some accurate crude oil market calls, is firing confederate shots at T. Boone Pickens’ bullish call on crude oil. Gartman is a super bear now and cites the lack of insolation in Siberian oil pipelines as a reason why Russian oil will continue to flow–in order to prevent those pipes from busting loose (Serious shit, I am not making this up. He really said that).

At any rate, Gartman is the new King of crude oil, in dollar terms, as well as yen, and he’s letting T. Boone know what the deal is–dropping some knowledge on thew 87 year old oil man.

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  1. Rastgen

    Long /CL 31.18

    Extra FIG

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  2. jpmorgains

    One to five fucking dollars for the circle heads? Where does he get that range?

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  3. aformalcat

    They’re both morons. T-Boone asshat has been saying $75 for two years.

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    • juice

      There is no chance either of them will be right, which means crude will rise but most certainly will not double.

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