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The Unique Business Structure Of Le-Vel, A MLM Company

le-vel business structure

Multi-level marketing, or MLM for short, is a popular business structure in the present. Many people are joining MLM companies because they promise success in a short period of time. MLM companies offer a simple solution to many issues, including health problems like obesity and skin diseases. The products that the MLM companies sell are mostly for the welfare of the health of their clients, and it is also the primary reason why many people are trusting these companies – they are benefiting from the effects of the medicines and supplements that they sell.



Le-Vel is an example of a multi-level company that experienced tremendous success. Since the company’s establishment in 2012, more and more people are signing up to become a member because of the promise of success. Le-Vel experienced tremendous growth, and in a short period of time, they were able to generate $1 billion in revenue.

Jason Camper and Paul Gravette are the founders of the company, and one of the things that they offered to the public would be the simple three-step guideline that every marketer for Le-Vel should understand. In the United States, there is a tight competition for businesses that are selling vitamins and supplements, but Le-Vel is able to catch up with them because they have a secret weapon – the marketing ability of their members.

Through networking, the company is able to boost its sales, while at the same time, welcoming new people in the team. For those who wanted to become a member of Le-Vel, there are a few points that one has to understand – determining the nature of the company, the products that they sell, and the techniques that should be applied to end up successfully in the business.

The product offered by Le-Vel is food supplements, and one of their signature products is called Le-Vel Thrive. This product includes a three-step regimen that should be followed and monitored closely, and if successful, it will provide the user with a different physical and mental capabilities. The product is a mixture of vitamins and minerals collected from natural sources, and it is very good for the body.



Thrive Plus is another product offered by the company that also uses the three-step regimen. This is mostly used by people who wanted to lose weight, and it would improve their performance especially if they are into sports and other physical activities.

The popularity of Le-Vel made it possible for them to encourage the public to become a member and start selling their products. An interested individual who wanted to enter the world of marketing can buy a starter kit, which comes into four different types – Social Seller, that is being sold for $135; Business builder, which is sold for $265; Business Builder Plus, which is sold for $499, and the Meat and Dairy Free bundle, which is sold for $135.

Le-Vel is serious when it comes to the promotion of their product, and they are highlighting the fact that they are among the companies that received an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau. With the proper presentation of the products, more people are deciding to join the company, and there are an estimated seven million individuals from North America, Europe, and Oceania who have joined the company and started selling their products.

The company has been helping individuals stay at home parents, and others to create a bustling business and improving their way of life.

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