18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,558 Blog Posts

The Bull Narrative for Gold Stocks on Pause

With markets at record highs and the dollar surging, there are few reasons to buy gold stocks here, following triple digits runs higher. Over the past week, the media losses for the miners is about 6%, hardly onerous, not in the least scary.


Today the drubbing is intensifying, only because there’s a general weakness in commodity related stocks. Also, recent market trends have decoupled commodities from the overall market, leaving basket buyers of commodities left holding their dicks in their hands.

Personally, I sold my gold positions after the last jobs report, afraid that a better than expected economic outlook would lead our Fed heads to jawbone about higher rates. Again, monetary easing is the main driver for gold. Should the Fed actually begin raising rates, I suspect the dollar will rise and gold will drop. Very simple.

For those looking to get some gold exposure, I can only advise you to hang tight. Lower prices are likely in the foreseeable future.

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Markets Reach New Record Highs; Commodites Smashed to Pieces Against the Rocks

All is well in crazy town, gents. The stock markets that our leaders bestow upon us are at fresh, record highs, all the while crude oil and copper get smashed into the rocks into 10,000 pieces.


WTI losses have extended to more than 11% over the past month. This deleterious pin action has led to a minute drop in some of your favorite crude oil stocks. This, of course, is merely a temporary waystation, on its way towards never ending glory.


Separately, gold and silver have been stuffed back into the gimp box, now off 1.5% and 2.6%, respectively. There isn’t anything to fear, but fear itself, and of course mega tonne Tsar bombas.

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Twitter Throws the Banhammer at Gay Conservative, Milo Yiannopoulis

Milo is a staff writer for Breitbart and widely known for fucking with people on the internets for being retarded, especially gay leftists who support people that would toss them off a building if given a chance. His work is provocative, but meaningful. I suppose he’s a significant threat to the folks over at Twitter–because they just banned him for such a stupid reason.

He had a spat with one of the stars from Ghostbusters about how fucking stupid the movie was. As such, Twitter banned him.

Twitter released this statement, regarding their fascism.

People should be able to express diverse opinions and beliefs on Twitter. But no one deserves to be subjected to targeted abuse online, and our rules prohibit inciting or engaging in the targeted abuse or harassment of others. Over the past 48 hours in particular, we’ve seen an uptick in the number of accounts violating these policies and have taken enforcement actions against these accounts, ranging from warnings that also require the deletion of Tweets violating our policies to permanent suspension.

We know many people believe we have not done enough to curb this type of behavior on Twitter. We agree. We are continuing to invest heavily in improving our tools and enforcement systems to better allow us to identify and take faster action on abuse as it’s happening and prevent repeat offenders. We have been in the process of reviewing our hateful conduct policy to prohibit additional types of abusive behavior and allow more types of reporting, with the goal of reducing the burden on the person being targeted. We’ll provide more details on those changes in the coming weeks.

As to why Twitter and other leftists might see Milo as a threat, here is a snippet of one of his speeches.

“As they say on the internet, armed gays don’t get bashed.”

“When your celebrities that you listen to and your media that you listen to, when your politicians are saying that the answer to this is fewer guns. That horrifies me. Gun free zones are the most dangerous places in America. Because gun free zones provide safe spaces for killers. The left likes to talk about safe spaces, well safe spaces for murderers are gun free zones. And most of the most deadly and most of the big headline grabbing tragedies in America recently have happened where? Gun free zones”

“Killers and crazies don’t look at a sign on the wall that says no guns here and go, ‘oh ok then, I’ll go home.’ They walk in there safe in the knowledge that nobody in there is going to fight back. Safe in the knowledge that nobody in there is equipped to defend themselves.”

“The progressive left, the social justice warrior left in America, is the single biggest enemy to gay people to get security and to the well being of homosexuals and every other minority they claim to represent that exists in America today.”

“The American left….hates women, gays minorities, it is a band of spoiled brat white liberals who care for nothing except their own self esteem. They don’t care about anything except feeling good about themselves and advocating their own moral virtue to everybody else. And while they’re doing they’re denying the rights of minorities to protect themselves, they are denying the rights of minorities to be informed about the risks that are out there. A

“Importing Muslims into this country is going to represent significant risk to minorities. Politicians don’t want you to hear that, you hear that from people it sounds like crazy right wing rhetoric, this is the reality that europe is living through. Please don’t make our mistakes, America is better than that and you have an opportunity now to save yourselves before this happens.”


Yeah, he’s that guy.


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Big $NFLX Bull From BTIG Tells Everyone to STFU and Buy the Dip

Rich Greenfield brought his A game and straight bowled on these clowns. He had his bullet points out and memorized. His delivery was pristine and his logic was profound. I’m sure all of those mental midgets on the set will be buying NFLX stock in the pre-market tomorrow.

Greenfield says shut the fuck up and buy the dip. Netflix is heading to $130.

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Evil $MSFT Posts a Solid, Albeit Boring, Quarter

Holy shit I couldn’t care less about this piece of shit company. Why can’t this company go private, like DELL, are leave us alone with their stupid fucking earnings announcements?

Here, for those of you booze hounds still interested in Microsoft, Bill Gates fanboys, are the results for the quarter than past.

  • Reports Q4 (Jun) earnings of $0.69 per share, $0.11 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of $0.58; non-GAAP revenues rose 2.1% year/year to $22.64 bln vs the $22.14 bln Capital IQ Consensus.
    • The current quarter effective tax rate reflected a favorable mix of our income between the U.S. and foreign countries, as well as benefits associated with distributions from foreign affiliates. As such, the non-GAAP tax rate was 15%.
  • Revenue in Productivity and Business Processes grew 5% (up 8% in constant currency) to $7.0 bln vs. $6.5-6.7 bln guidance:
    • Office commercial products and cloud services revenue grew 5% (up 9% in constant currency) driven by Office 365 commercial revenue growth of 54% (up 59% in constant currency)
    • Office consumer products and cloud services revenue grew 19% (up 18% in constant currency) with Office 365 consumer subscribers increasing to 23.1 mln ·
    • Dynamics products and cloud services revenue grew 6% (up 7% in constant currency) with Dynamics CRM Online paid seats growing more than 2.5x year-over-year
  • Revenue in Intelligent Cloud grew 7% (up 10% in constant currency) to $6.7 bln vs. $6.5-6.7 bln guidance:
    • Server products and cloud services revenue increased 5% (up 8% in constant currency) driven by double-digit annuity revenue growth
    • Azure revenue grew 102% (up 108% in constant currency) with Azure compute usage more than doubling year-over-year
    • Enterprise Mobility customers nearly doubled year-over-year to over 33,000, and the installed base grew nearly 2.5x year-over-year
  • Revenue in More Personal Computing declined 4% (down 2% in constant currency) to $8.9 bln vs. $8.7-9.0 bln guidance:
  • Windows OEM non-Pro revenue grew 27% (up 27% in constant currency), outpacing the consumer PC market, and Windows OEM Pro revenue grew 2% (up 2% in constant currency)
  • Surface revenue increased 9% (up 9% in constant currency) driven by Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book
  • Phone revenue declined 71% (down 70% in constant currency)
  • Xbox Live monthly active users grew 33% year-over-year to 49 mln
  • Search advertising revenue excluding traffic acquisition costs grew 16% (up 17% in constant currency) with continued benefit from Windows 10 usage.
  • Microsoft returned $6.4 bln to shareholders in the form of share repurchases and dividends.

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Vix closed at a new low today, now hanging out like a moron in the 12’s. The promoted narrative on Wall Street is better than expected earnings, led by banks. Meanwhile, Goldman posted better than expected numbers, but the stock traded down today. All the while the world burns, markets saddle record highs. It’s almost as if the people on the NYSE were immune to geopolitical events, solely focused  and reliant upon central bank schemes.


Since BREXIT, every single risk on asset, minus crude, has cooperated. Like a well tuned Stradivarius, the puppet masters have jimmy-rigged prices towards record levels, in the face of mounting concerns. The proverbial ‘wall of worry’ is in fact very real. Having said that, I am betting against this tape via EDZ, 3x ‘Fuck China’ ETF, courtesy of Exodus. I will hold it until Friday or whenever it’s +5% from my basis.

Bottom line: there is a very dangerous and toxic blend of complacency and bad news taking place now. Historically speaking, betting against MOAR, when the VIX was sucking the 12 handle, has more often than not led to solid downside gains.

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All other currencies bend the knee when King Dollars walks through the thoroughfare. I think it’s fair to say the dollar weakness, that so many of you FUCKING IDIOTS claimed was upon us, has been revoked.

Thanks to a recent surge in American economic confidence, people are coming around to the idea that the Fed will hike rates again. Also, and most importantly, all other currencies are complete and utter shit. As such, safe havens are all the rage.


Personally, I prefer the ark, via TLT.

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Religion of Peace Update: Man Stabs Mother and 3 Daughters for Wearing Shorts in France

Naturally, the prosecutor is denying the motive behind the attack and the local Mayor didn’t care to speculate as to the rationale behind the Morrocan born man’s actions to stab 3 children and their mother for being ‘scantily dressed.’

Raphaël Balland, prosecutor of Gap, said: “I wanted to quash the rumour currently doing the rounds because on no account did this man make such comments about the fact that the attack may have been motivated by the victims’ dress code.”

The attacker, named as Mohamed B, 37, “may have acted out of religious motives”, French television channel TF1 reported.

Despite the prosecutor’s denial, TF1 reported that he was angry that the girls were wearing shorts.

The mother had helped the attacker when he became ill the previous day, TF1 said.

Repaying the Mother for her kindness, the savage stabbed her 8 year old daugher in the lung, in addition to severely wounding her 12 and 14 year old daughters with knife wounds. When it came time for the Mother’s stabbing, he opted for her chest.

Dated 2012:

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