A Quick Thought on City Living


We did not want to move our cars today, thus resulting in 6 miles of walking. The city is unforgiving, want to drive? 45 minutes looking for a spot when you get back. Walk then? Crowds, STEEP hills, bicyclists, and lot’s of traffic. Public transportation? Crowds, no seats, homeless psychopaths, the smell of urine, and the possibility of getting a disease Cab? $5 starting rate, 10 blocks will cost at least ~$15, and you can actually walk places faster. You have three choices: harden up and adapt, become a hermit, or move to the ‘burbs if you can’t cut it.

I know I often bitch about certain things related to city living, but when I go to Marin, full of smug soccer moms, and tiny little men in Maseratis, I can’t wait to get back to the hustle. The lady is making quiche with prosciutto, and I’m sipping on a Doubled India Paled Ales whilst watching UFC. If my conversations ever revolve around soccer, and what middle school my kids will be attending to give them a chance to get into a certain high school, I’ll shove a side-by-side 10 gauge in my mouth and pull the triggers with my big toes.

Ciao and Adieu!!!!!! (<- pure insanity)


9 Responses to “A Quick Thought on City Living”

  1. Where I grew up was THE BEST to live and someday I will go back – Winthrop, Mass., a peninsula 4 miles north of Boston. Blue line to Boston and the airport accessible by bus and not too crowded. You have the beach, the city and driving distance to other New England states for one day jaunts. Maybe I’m prejudiced, but there is not better location in the U.S.!

  2. On another note, did you see the move in DECK? My cost basis is $35, sold a third with my partner, Mr. Partridge, Friday and will reload should this momo trade down significantly. Based upon its erratic behavior, it will surely give traders a chance to get back in.

  3. Re: ELLI, I sold for small gain the day after it reported and then bought it back lower than my original purchase lol…Are you still in? Also bought KKR and the housing ETFs.

  4. A third component is rural living. Getting older, I am tired of being around the general mass population, and I do not wish to pay to isolate myself from them in the city.

  5. I live in Somerville, never been to Winthrop but aren’t there jet liners flying very low over Winthrop most of the time?

  6. MX2101 that is interesting. I find the older people in our walkable urban neighborhoods are at an advantage because they are not car dependent. The older folks seem to have much more freedom and independence, even if they can’t or don’t want to drive.

  7. Still in marin and not looking back.

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