I’m In the Jailhouse Now


Or at least I was earlier, as I stayed up to a ridiculous hour last night, playing COD with one of my best friends– who lives in Germany –and drank too many beers. When I say too many, it’s an amount that would kill a normal man. That’s not even the problem though, the problem is that when I drink that much, I snore, thrash, and carry on in my sleep, thus making it so that Lady Rhino cannot sleep. Now, the important piece of the female psyche I said I would reveal, is not to drink less, it’s something far more reaching.

As a man of reason, logic, and action, I immediately try to find a solution to problems. Sounds logical right? Gents, I am afraid that ladies are not the same, at least the majority of the time. I also know that within the veteran community, that we all seem to say the same thing, we get frustrated hearing “normal” people’s problems. Unless we are with another combat vet (no homo, I think?), then our other half will never have any idea. Instead of using that as an excuse to not care, we have to learn to distance ourselves from that mentality, and as men, when dealing with our significant other’s problems, we have to distance ourselves from our “fixing” mentality. Instead of “fixing” we need to focus on “listening.” Many times our ladies are not looking for fix, but just want to vent, and by listening it shows we care. It’s something small, but sometimes it’s hard to do whilst dealing with problems of our own.

If you want a happy home and happy relationship, learn to listen, without trying to fix what the issue may be. Don’t fight it and try to changer her, or downplay what bothers her, it will only make it worse. If she wants you to fix something, she’ll tell you, or you’ll know it. Rhino’s relationship advice for the weekend. Adieu.


11 Responses to “I’m In the Jailhouse Now”

  1. I got a tip. Don’t stick your dick in crazy. ‘Nuff Said.

  2. Rhino – you are developing great insight at such an early age.

    In the same vein as your advice above, I’ve found that when someone of a close relationship is venting to you – what they really want to hear is “I’m on your side”. It can be said in many different ways, but soothes the same.

    I’m quite fond of hearing the phrase myself.

    • “what they really want to hear is ‘I’m on your side'”

      This is the single most challenging attitude to hold when your opinion is clearly different than her side.

      My solution is to secretly put in my ear plug when she is not looking and nod my head occasionally.

      What you don’t hear, you can’t offer different perspective…

      Work most of the times! (grin)

  3. I’m a fixer too…drives the wife nuts sometimes.

  4. Kind, considerate, caring – advice from my wife.

    Honey, you’re right, I’m wrong – advice from me.

  5. Thanks Dr. Phil

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