Two Points of Annoyance


Two things I need to get off of my chest rather quickly.

1: I know religion makes a lot of people live full productive lives, however I have another bone to pick with it. (Note that I hate religion) When really fucked up stuff happens to good people and they just take it on the chin saying, “it’s part of god’s plan.” FUCK THAT, kick that fucking plan in it’s respective chin and give it the finger. If your god wants shitty stuff to happen to you, then maybe you need a new one?

2: Raising taxes on the top 2% is only going to supply the government with 8 days of working capital. So why is that the biggest point of contention coming from the White House? Does that make any sense? Just seems like class warfare to me. Fucking assholes.

Don’t forget to Vote Rhino 2012, and here come my performance for the day.


One Response to “Two Points of Annoyance”

  1. Complete class warfare. No need to actually compromise on the problem when we can just blame those that have been successful at capitalism. Those who think that just taxing the rich more will solve the problem are complete morons.

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