

I am disgusted by many things today:

1. What the fuck is Romney saying? “Fuck the markets, I am gonna crush all money managers so they are forced to vote for me.” Maybe he did suck when he was at Bain. Especially if he doesn’t think Ben saved the economy, what would you have rather done? Pulled the plug? It would have been pandemonium.

2. CNBC’s Cannabis coverage today is great for the cause, but it troubles me that people have such a “reefer madness” type mindset. Do you think someone high on weed would have Impala’d someone? NO! They would be at home watching South Park! I could go on and on, the truth is, this is business motivated; paper, pharma, law enforcement, private jails, etc. Think about how much tax payer money is being spent making said business money, instead of using a better means, that is cheaper. Too bad we don’t have as much money for lobbying as those companies do.

3. I went long CRM into earnings, I should have known better with a tech company, though all the people who I know that work in their sales dept are constantly beating their targets and getting bonuses. We’ll see what happens tomorrow. Otherwise I killed it in the market today.

4. Jon Jones is a fucking asshole, he fucked over all the other fighters on the card, all the sponsors, the venue, and especially all the fans who took vacations, booked flights, etc. Fuck Greg Jackson too.

I try not to let this kind of shit bother me, but it is so logical, and so many people stand to benefit, fucking over thousands, maybe millions, to get elected, to keep your customers from eating pot brownies instead of taking opiates, etc. Fuck them in their fucking faces.

This illustrates exactly what I am saying in song.



4 Responses to “Disgusted”

  1. It disgusts me that they still send people to jail over simple marijuana possession. What a waste of fucking money.
    Harper recently tried to introduce tougher drug laws, only to receive international flack, and admit two days later the war on drugs is not working.

  2. But just think about all of the children that have been saved, the white women that haven’t been raped and all of those Mexicans that we have made “richer than fuck” by keeping cannabis illegal. Of course prohibition is working, I don’t know anyone one who has ever used, nor will use marijuana simply because it is illegal.

    There is no doubt that the policy of throwing all of the horrible animals into jail that continue to use and abuse that horrendous devil drug is the correct and righteous course of action.

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