

Is what I am in after my earlier post. I thought it was cute, that she was absent minded at the time. She is very smart, and very sensitive, and also Greek and Italian, so she got very mad. This sucks, I thought it was cute and funny, but she truly does have a lot on her mind and has to make a lot of decisions, so she took serious offense to “Absent Minded.” she is definitely not absent minded, and is always on tops of things, except for this one time, thus the cuteness. Wish me luck.

5 Responses to “Doghouse”

  1. name is hard coded in. You are now redundantly stating the obvious.

  2. You need to go read Men Are From Mars or something like that Rhino. You honestly think your woman doesn’t read your blog posts. If women ran the CIA/FBI, etc. this world would be a safer place because they are natural detectives.

    From a military NCO standpoint (you should be familiar) your convoy got hit, what is your alternate route? Don’t take the path of least resistance. Damage control bro.

  3. Just watch the Notebook. You’ll be out of the doghouse in 14 seconds.

  4. Heh, you might want to pen those posts under an alias.

    FWIW, I’m very happy that the details of my online existence are murky (at best) with my wife. Mostly it’s just assurance that I’m not talking with other women and that my antics are so stupid, that it would be of no gain for her to know the details.

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