Flip a Coin


Before I get to why we are all really here, or should be, I want to talk about a couple things. Firstly, today at the gym with MCPJ, (I know, he just won’t leave! HAHA, he’s got a plane ticket for Friday so we’ll see what happens), doing half rack deadlifts I pulled 675lbs off the first pin. This is quite possibly the most I have ever pulled, and it was with nothing but chalk and a belt. Why work this hard you say? Because why else are you working? I treat the market the same way, so I will be up watching Asia then up in the morning for the open and HDSN’s conference call. Secondly, I am embarrassed to be where I am from, Marin County, CA, the attitude and clique’iness of the people is disgusting, and actually makes me sad that I defended it so much in the Army. I can only think of a very small number of self made people, like less than 10, most have jobs that make them “$60k a year millionaires,” or they got a job from their parents. Sad.

Now, the coin flip? That is what happens tomorrow, it could be a really good day or a really bad day. My biggest position, at 25% of my book, is HDSN. They released earning this afternoon, your evening. and blew it out of the park. EPS of $0.22 a share this QUARTER, compared to $0.03 last year in the same quarter. Do I need to post the Net Income equation?  Their balance sheet from their 10Q, click on it for full size.

So, they went up 12.68% AH, having already went up 3.54% during the trading day. Please note, when I first had lunch with the COO with @TheDrBigBoss and decided to buy it, it was trading ~$1.50.

So, the good and the bad? For tomorrow to be good, HDSN’s conference call at 7am(10EST) will give some seriously awesome forward looking guidance, and blow analysts expectations. Then Draghi will come out and announce more stimulus and an actual plan to fix the lunacy that is the Euro Zone. This will make equities rip higher and cause the whore that is ZSTN to eat shit.

Bad? HDSN’s management pulls a “Zuck” and is not all that bullish. Then, Draghi says that nothing has changed, and the Euro Zone is still an economic vortex. On top of that, ZSTN shoots up to $5 and stomps on balls. YIKES.

Good luck out there.

3 Responses to “Flip a Coin”

  1. Sur Platonic Platueu Du Tecnocrats, B.R.A., D.J.D. upon Rookness.

    Solid post.

    Nice dead lift.

    Hm…, y on Marin County; but look at the bright side, Novato’s Costco has one “sick” wine selection.

    Now there’s some NorCal Wallstreet for the gaudy east coasters ’round here.

    • Love the novato cosco wine selection. I found 3 liter bottles of champagne (real champagne) for $20 one time, best bubbles I’ve ever had. In CA and most other states you dont need a membership to buy booze either.

      Great time today i look forward to my return to rip 775!

      • Sur Platonic Platueu Du Tecnocrats, B.R.A., D.J.D. upon Rookness.

        Champonnois, Il ‘est tres importante avoir la chose vrai.

        Y. Decent promoters at that there Costco.

        If, in the decade, see a label called LaForest, or, LaFarr Wine label there, it’ll be mine.

        Willamette Valley AVA.


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