AAR (After Action Report) 7/30/2012


Firstly, it is with great sorrow that I must say MCPJ will be leaving for MBA school on the East Coast tomorrow. It has been a great year since he has gotten out of the Army. Our workouts have made the rest of the gym goers look paltry. I have tested and passed many PR lifts during this time and had many a great debate. I must say that I was also extremely honored to listen to him and @TheTapeGuy debating on Saturday, it is amazing to hear a economic/political debate where the debaters say “I 100% agree.” I also want to thank “господин Tape” for the gifts from the Ukraine. Check out his Instagram as he posts pics.

So, now on to the meat and potatoes- well no potatoes as I am on a Keto diet. I don’t know if it’s because I got in this game when social media, “internet tech bubble 2.0,” was starting or what, but I have a serious grasp on that sector. That’s not to say my track record is perfect, I went long on ZNGA and YELP, trying to get a FB correlation, and we know how that played out. I should have held YELP, I would have made a profit, and I should have never went long a stock I know is a short. “Coulda, shoulda, fuckin woulda,” that I am afraid is this game. Sometimes you have to cut stuff loose because it is sunk cost, other times you need to ride it out, and other times you need to not be a rookie bonehead and go long ZNGA.

Today’s trades and my book.

GRPN: I shorted this POS on Friday, and then borrowed more shares on the open this morning. My cost basis was $7.68 and I covered at $6.94, for a sweet little profit.


HDSN: Took a beating today but is on it’s way up, I already own an assload, and their earnings come out on Thursday before the bell. This SHOULD be the best quarter their business has ever seen, but this market and especially this earnings season has been seriously without  top hat.

PSQ: Is currently a small loss, it is a hedge, a small position, and there just in case shit hits the proverbial Greek Fan.

MOS: I am still holding this and it is a small profit right now, even though it was down today. It is close to flagging OS, and thus, should rip.

EXK: Still being held as well, and showing a small profit as well. I could see it getting OS tomorrow in anticipation of the Fed speech on Wed. This could be awesome or not, if they say “more QE” precious metals will rip, otherwise, they may get stomped on. Then I will just buy more, especially on an OS signal.

INFU and AABVF: Long term longs, “investments, not “trades.”

ZSTN: Still short this bastard behemoth. It popped today, and I was tempted to short more, except that I said to myself “no thanks, don’t need that stress.”

Forward looking:

TLT: Is on my radar as it is close to flagging OS, and as Senor Tropicana pointed out, it has never gone down in August, EVER, in the ten years it has been trading. From The PPT :

I’ll be back on tonight.

P.S. This Keto diet of almost all protein and fat has me getting super strong, and much leaner, though my weight is going up. I think that is just my genetics, my ancestors came from the north, where there was no grain, only large beasts. I was 269.8lbs yesterday after working out.




10 Responses to “AAR (After Action Report) 7/30/2012”

  1. that GRPN short was epic, you’re getting better at trading I think. love the full disclosure on the blog as well. Too many bloggers on here do not post there trades before and during so clearly.

  2. dude youre huge.

    • need to get more jacked… work doesn’t care tho…

    • Everyone thinks I only look like I’m ~220lbs though. The work thing sucks, if you can get 3 quality sessions a week, you’ll see results.

      • what do you do dietary-wise? I feel like thats my biggest weakness. sitting at a desk for 70 hrs sucks, but gunna try to get in 30 min runs x4 a week. afraid im going to get fat(ter)…

        • Keto diet man, also paleo is good, google it. Basically, just a lot of protein and fat and no carbs.

        • FORCING yourself to go on a workout for lunch break instead of working and eating at your desk did wonders for me. That and getting a gym buddy willing to work out before market open.

  3. (High fat + high protein – carbos) * PUMPING = BEAST MODE.

    I like to spice llife up with some Maca.

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