Joined Jan 27, 2008
7,406 Blog Posts


I am again selling down positions here, and have yet to add any new positions. I want to get liquid and build a heavy cash position, so I can see the market objectively and be ready for the next move.

My largest holding is still $GOOG, and I still hold positions in $PWER, $ETFC, $VZ, $YGE, $ATPG, $RIG, $TZA, $FAZ and a few others, my cash position is near 50% and I will likely be selling more into the bell.

If I had to give you a top pick here it would be $VXX, volatility is cheap.

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  1. The Fly

    Brilliantly played. Keep going with your instincts. You have a gift.

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  2. Screenlocal

    Congrats on all your trades. Inspiring stuff! Took BIDU and JASO with you! So thanks for that!

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  3. bushmantrades

    Nice. That’s what I’ve been doing yesterday afternoon and this morning. Taking pieces, moving stops. And a quick $DRN scalp. See: http://twitter.com/bushmantrades $9 $JASO would be pleasant.

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  4. swinging for the fences
    swinging for the fences

    RC…I am finally getting back into trading now that work has slowed a bit. Thanks for GOOG, missed JASO. Nice PEIX trade, too. I agree, you do have a gift and I have banked some coin by following you the most here and inside the PPT. Keep up the great work…Jim

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  5. illmighty

    Nice work RC! GOOG is one I should have gone on board with…was thinking about it the past 2 months. However, VZ was a 2nd largest holding a month ago, now it’s just a blip in the port…looking to get in lower ($29-30) if it will let me.

    Great calls, keep it up!

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  6. MOOBS

    When you said volatility is cheap a light came on. Helped me connect some dots. Rubbed some VXX on.

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  7. Yogi & Boo Boo

    Nice job.

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  8. drummerboy

    i did too.been watching that since the fly been gettin ulcers.looked at it this morning,forgot about it,then read your pick and it reminded me.pulled the trigger right before close @16.73.not into etf’s much but wtf.still dont believe in this rally.

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  9. drummerboy

    besides,have you seen the ops chain on vxx take a look at nov. at the 18 strike. i usually dont buy anything without first looking at its chain. front month,to all the way out. just todays volume is killer.

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  10. TA

    Congrats RC

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  11. maxx99

    re vxx, today the vix was up 3.95 % and vxx was up 0.36 %

    so did vxx realtively speaking get even cheaper today ?
    since except for a day or two trade in the 19s, i’ve been on the bench since before joining ppt and last sold at a loss @ 42 or so…
    so my questions are why is vxx and volatility cheap now, and do you have a target on it at all ?

    thanks !!

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